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1517 fatwas

  • Her father-in-law claims that her husband has divorced her

    Assalam-o-Alaikum, i get married in Oct 2011 and after 9 months in July 2012 my husband and in-laws send me back to my parents home since that day he did not contact me and after 5 months when my family went to their place to ask them his father said that he has divorced me while he was not present there and after that i have passed my waiting period.. More

  • Her husband said to her "Go to the other room before I divorce you"

    Salam alaikoum, About 2 months ago,my husband and I were arguing. During the argument, he told me "Stop acting the way you are acting and go to the other room before I divorce you". I told him,"No,I am not going to go to my room". He said, "You idiot. You just divorced yourself." This incident has haunted me ever since. I have already been divorced.. More

  • Her husband talks to women on the Internet

    I am a convert to Islam Alhamdulillah. I am married to a practising Muslim Alhamdulilah. I have a problem.. He made some mistakes, talking to other woman online when i asked him not to. He even met one of them at her request.. I found out and forgave him and accepted his excuses, the problem is that i cannot forget. I am afraid now of his actions online.... More

  • Divorce in the present tense is effective only with intention

    I recontacted because I did not find any cases similar to mine in your answers offered. The triple divorce without intention of divorce was never asked. I would have a precision and an opinion on your part. I Repeat 3 times "I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you" three times but in those I did not intend to initiate divorce. I say this with no.. More

  • Using metaphors of divorce with the intention to divorce

    My question is that i wish to know if i am divorced, in march last year.i told my wife to leave the house and not come back, with the intention of divorce, the second time was in july i asked her to calculate her divorce, with my intention being to give her divorce, third time i issued talaq clearly by saying i give talaq. There were also other situations.. More

  • Her first husband trying to reconcile after she married another

    My sister In law is in a very tense situation and it seems nobody can give the right answer. She was married to a man 9 years ago and have a 8 year old daughter. He never was religious and never worked. 2 years ago he started talking to another woman and it caused problems In there marriage and he left the house, after she talked to him and they reconciled... More

  • Her husband mistreats her and wants to marry his girlfriend

    Salaam. My husband has been seeing other women on and off since we married 10 years ago. In 2011, he met a girl while he was abroad and decided he wants to marry her. His family are not supporting him in this matter as they would prefer him to settle in his home with me and our children. He has not married her yet but talks to her on the phone daily... More

  • Husband wants to divorce his HIV+ wife

    Asalam wk my question on HIV I am HIV + since 8 months after marriage I came to knew it I don't knw how I was infected my husband is negative after knowing it he accepted me even my in laws accepted and was with me but a month before his mother started fighting with me when it was out of control I said I can't live with her know my husband want to.. More

  • She does not want to live with her troublesome in-laws

    I am married for last 4 yrs but i am not happy with my husband has lied about his family background to me before marriage.My mother in law was working in a bar before my marriage and her that profession is distrubing my present life.I also have a step father in law & brother in law because of them also my relationship with my husband.. More

  • Her husband's desire of divorce is based on false accusations

    Assalamu-alikum, married, has 2 kids, my husband accused me of I am willing to harm him by putting some kind of shyton deeds, such as poison him with shyton deeds. I never done any of these things he accused me with and never willing to do, because it is shrike. I love my Allah more than him and I love my Hakira (here after,) may Allah grated me with.. More

  • Her husband did not fulfill his pre-marriage promises to her

    asalmalykm, i got marid 3 yrs back. After engagemnt my husbnd used to talk to me & he promisd me so many thngs like he loves me alot he's gona treat my parents as his own he wil keep them at his home he wil take them to haj. If i do get any problm from his family he wil arange a seperate home for me etc. Aftr marig slowly al promises began to.. More

  • Her husband refuses to have sexual intercourse with her

    Assalam alaikum, Please could you help me with a problem I have. I have been married for 20 years and have a lot of problems. My husband very cruel and does nt give me my rights, no physical reltation between us for 7 years becuase he is not interested. but cant leave becuase it will cause so much distress to my chilren (on child has haert problem).. More

  • Do not let marital problems lead you to sin

    hi I am 33 years old and have been married for just over 2 years. I have been arguing with my wife since even when we were not married. but for some reason my heart chose her. I did numerous Istıkharas and it ended up like this. recently we have been having arguments again and she even told me that if I want we can get divorced. saying this I.. More

  • Husband's signature on a triple divorce

    Assalam Wa Alaikum, one of my brother got married on april 26th 2012. & got khula on 9th of august 2012. now that girl wants to come back. she has not married to anyone stills. she has sat for iddah for 40 days only & now she is doing job. my brother also wants her back. on that time when khula was going on in the court my brother sign the.. More

  • Her family and ex-husband pressure her to take Khul' from her husband

    As Salaam Alai Kum A girl was married at age of 17+ without her consent; during the relationship of marriage she had three children; the woman quite often brought to the attention of her family members the strains in the first marriage, however, they asked her to continue. They could not get along and finally divorced each other, mutual agreement... More