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452 fatwas

  • Playing for a Team Sponsored by Company that Fosters Children

    Salam Alaikum. I play cricket for a local club in the UK as a hobby. I wanted to know if it is completely halal. As I have fount a couple of issues with it.The team I play for is sponsored by a local foster company, This foster company fosters children to muslim and non muslim parents in The UK. The players wear the name of the sponsor company on their.. More

  • A Video Game Involves Stealing or Killing; is it Permissible?

    if someone steals in game is he sinful or if he kills a person in game or if he gambles in game without paying real money .. More

  • Ruling on Playing Violent Games

    Assalamualekum. What’s the ruling on playing violent games? .. More

  • Playing Computer Games that May Involve Prohibitions

    I have some questions concerning two games we sometimes play without missing a duty or doing a sin thereby. This questions might seem unnecessary but a very high rate of the young people from 12-25 play these games. At least 90% of them so a clear answer would be helpful. First of all there is a football game. In this game there are packs and if you.. More

  • Drawing 3D Pictures of Humans and Animals

    Is it halal to draw 3D pictures of humans and animals if i draw the head but without nose,mouth or eyes? .. More

  • Using Odin 3 Software

    Ruling on using software name odin 3 to flash phone it shirk to use because name relating to Germanic mythology?Should i destroy my phone. .. More

  • Needs to Go to Places Where There Is Music

    Assalamu Alaykum. We know that it is prohibited to sit in a place where people are sinning like listening to music. I got some fatwas saying that it is permissible to sit there if there is a need. Meaning a not a big or dire need. A small need like a muslim wants to cool down in a hot day. Goes into a air conditioned room, ovwr there peole are listening.. More

  • Watching Japanese Animated Cartoons

    What is the ruling on watching a japanese anime in which the actors have "chakra" as a source of energy and who can use this "chakra" for special attacks like attacking with fire or water from their mounth's or constructing a wall from earth? If it is not permissible is the danger of quitting islam by watching these kinds of anime's? .. More

  • Using Islamic Videos That May Contain Islamic Violations

    Asalamu alaikum. I have a bunch of Islamic lectures I want to upload to YouTube but am a little bit worried about the ads as some have haram content music etc. Will I get a sin for the ads that play when people watch my videos .. More

  • Going to Places Where There Is Music

    Assalamu Alaikum,Is it permissible to sit in places in which there is sin or people are listening to music or backbiting? If there is a need. Like one is on a public transport or one is attending in a intivation etc. People are backbiting.So if one needs to cool down and goes to shopping complex in which there is AC and there is TV. People are watching.. More

  • No Islamic Preponderant Benefit in Seeing Films

    salam. its a fiqhi principle that a small harm can be tolerated for a greater benefit. the entertainment industry is full of haram and we have very few halal alternatives. so we need halal songs, movies, etc. to produce halal songs and movies, we need to learn the technology(in case of movies, which might involve watching some scened with women without.. More

  • Loving Electronic Sports Games Is Not Kufr

    Alsalam alaikumif someone say he likes fifa the game did he do kufr because the game contain's shirk like the clothes and flag so by him saying that did he say indirectly kufr? another example is someone saying i like england does that mean he like's the kufr that it contain's like the flag and so on ? or does it depend on intention ? .. More

  • Earning Money by Playing Video Games

    Earning money from gamingIs it halal to earn revenues from youtube by playing video games?Also, i know the game has a light type of music (unharmful music) and it can lead to addiction, if its halal, do i hold the responsibility if the ones who saw my video downloaded the game and left their islamic obligations? .. More

  • Playing With Games That Have Music

    Salam, I read this fatwa of yours In there, you said IslamWeb adopts the ruling that it is still permissible to play with a game that has music as long one is able to mute it. May I know if there are other scholars who may differ where they say it is permissible for an individual regardless of their age to play.. More

  • Producing a Game and Earning From It

    I want to develop a game which will not contain any haram things.But still i am in confusion that its earning will haram because people waste their time on this game, so i am thinking that i will restrict the players,so they can't play more than 30 minutes per day.Am i wasting their time because many people already waste their time in silly things.Is.. More