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977 fatwas

  • Wearing a dress peculiar to non-Muslim

    I kindly convey my greetings to all and follow up with my question in our country we have a costume actually it is a traditional cloth where a Christian cross drawn or you can say weaved on it and also it is mostly wear by the Christians, now my question is can Muslim girls (actually it is women's cloth) wear such kind of costumes on any occasion.. More

  • Buying Khalooq, a perfume which contains saffron

    I have read in Hadeeth that angel stay away from 3 things: Junub, drunk person and man's wear Khalooq, I am very much concern about the Khalooq because it is a perfumes that contains saffron. My question arises that my husband do the business of selling Itr and at the same time we used them too and mostly the product of Itr contains saffron,.. More

  • Plucking hairs from underneath the eyebrow

    I know that it is prohibited to pluck the eyebrows as the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, cursed the one who does so but is it permissible to pluck underneath the eyebrow line itself where there are stray hairs as I feel this does not change the shape of your face. Bearing in mind that this is underneath the eyebrow not the eyebrow it's.. More

  • Eating food of those who were given the Scripture

    I have a book by Yusuf Al-Qaradawi in this book it states in regards to Halaal food that "the food of those who were given the scriptures is permitted to you" and Allaah has permitted their food to us unconditionally. I am wondering living in the Western world is this correct or am I misunderstanding its meaning? Can you please explain.. More

  • Eating pork by mistake

    What if I ate pig meat by mistake and I don't know that?.. More

  • Decorating walls with curtains

    Please I urgently need an answer to this question: Is it prohibited in Islam to decorate walls with curtains that do not bear any picture maybe for a lecture hall or the like? .. More

  • Treating hair to make it soft

    I recently had my curly hair treated in order to make it softer so as to manage it and I would like to know is it permissible in Islam for a male to use products to help manage their hair (water entering the scalp). .. More

  • Eating in fast-food restaurants in India

    Am an Ethiopian 22-year living in India for studying purpose and for almost 4 years, I have Questions:Should Mc 'Donaldls's chicken be Halaal to eat! If that the issue how about the rest of the restaurants in India (Pune) I mean, we have the College's Canteen or a normal restaurant in all over the City that own by a non-Muslim people? OK we.. More

  • Allowing customers to bring their own alcohol

    Is it permissible for a Muslim to open a restaurant allowing "BYO" (Bring Your Own Alcohol) option for customers? .. More

  • Wearing the long shirt for males

    When parents want their son not to wear Kurta all the time, should the son listen to them? I know it is not Fardh to wear the Kurta but on the other hand Allaah has commanded the believers to love Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, more than his own parents. So can one against parents wish in this case for the love of Rasoolallah? .. More

  • Favorite food of the Prophet

    What was the favorite food of the Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam? .. More

  • Care of cats

    I would like to ask about feeding cat with food that contained pig's meat by mistake is it a Haraam? What about animals eating can food containing that? By the way I read Quran for my cat and he listen very carefully. .. More

  • Investigating/researching a matter too much

    Some people keep on investigating how a particular food is made. For example, if cake contains alcohol, etc. But one scholar is of the opinion that we should not investigate too much. According to him one companion, may Allaah be pleased with him, said that when a particular oil was bought which may contain pig fat Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi.. More

  • The ingredient "carmine"

    I have a question about the ingredient "carmine." I have heard this ingredient is Haraam, so I have stopped eating this ingredient - forever, Inshaa Allaah. I want to know is this really Haraam. Please give me some insights on this. .. More

  • Halaal meat

    Can we eat the meat which is slaughtered by a Muslim who does not pray 5 times or he is doing Shirk with ignorance? .. More