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977 fatwas

  • Eating peacock

    eating peacock is haram or halaal? .. More

  • Wants to make a wig for her bald non-Muslim mother

    Assalamu alaykum my mother is a non muslim, she as asked me to help her make a wig for herself to wear. my mother has hair on the botton of her head but is almost completely bald on the top, this is not a tempory condition, she as been in this condition for twenty years, with no improvment, just worsening. am i allowed to her her make the wig? jazzakallah.. More

  • Feeding pets with unlawful meat

    Assalamu aleikum I just wanted to know whether we should observe the halal meat ruling when feeding our pets also? Most of the pet food items in supermarkets, contain beef and chicken , and obviously(Since it's animal food), they dont have a halal mark on them. Are we allowed to feed our pets these pet food items which contain meats/meatflavouring and.. More

  • The wisdoms behind prohibiting silk for men

    Assalaam Aleikum. Why is wearing silk clothes permitted for women and forbidden for men? Thank you... More

  • Breeding cats and selling them

    Assalaam Aleikum. I would like to know is it permissible to breed cats? Some breeds are worth a lot of money and the young kittens are very expensive. Is it o.k to make money in such a way? Thank you... More

  • Alcohol existing in food naturally

    my Q is regarding the Miso Soup, which is purely Soya beans paste and fish...i was recommended to have it reguraly but when i got it and read the ingredients, it said that it has naturally got Alchohol produced out one of its natural materials (components which is the Miso paste) as a result 1.89% of alchohol will be formed in the soup I am.. More

  • Baby milk containing an ingredient which is taken from a woman’s milk

    Assalamu Aleikum.My question is about the milk for a baby 5 months old. I found one (brand "Hipp")that contains "lactobacillus" coming from a mother's milk, a mean from an unknown woman. Is it haram?.Thanks in advance... More

  • His friend drank alcohol when he came to his dinner

    Al-sallamu Al-laikoum Recently, I have just knew that a friend of mine has returned to an old bad habit "Drinking alcohol" (May God direct him to the right path). However, mistakenly I knew from him that he did that on the night when I invited him to a barbecue, in which he was yet informed about, the problem now do I bear any sin for that action, knowing.. More

  • Eating raw lamb liver

    assalamu alaykum is it permissable to eat raw lamb liver (uncooked)? i was wondering about this because of the hadith that states two types of dead animals and blood are permissable, locusts and sea food and the blood of liver and spleen. jazzakAllah khiren.. More

  • Why plucking out the eyebrows is forbidden

    Asalamu Alikum W Rahmat Allah w barakuto. Why are women allowed to cut, trim and even dye their hair different colours, but they cant trim or do their eyebrows. I mean why isnt hair considered something that we shouldnt change bc Allah has created it the way it is and we must accept it justlike our eyebrows. plz clarify the difference for me. Jazakum.. More

  • Wedding rings for Muslim couples

    Is it permissible for Muslim married couples to use wedding rings, or if it is permissible for a man to use ring. Secondly, I have seeing some Muslims especially in America plaiting their hair, what is the Islamic point on view on this .. More

  • Having artificial nails

    is it possible to have artificial nails put on your hands and still pray and do wudu.. More

  • Women wearing perfume which can only be smelt from a near distance

    Asalamalaikum, I would like to know it if is permissible to remove hair from above the upper lip for females. Also is it permissible for ladies to wear light perfume that does not contain alcohol in such a way that it smells only when someone get very close to her. Thank you... More

  • Wife dyeing her hair black to beautify herself for her husband

    Assalamualikum, Is it permissble for a woman to dye her hair black not to cover grey hairs or decieve others but rather to beautify herself for her husband? Jazakallahalkhair.. More

  • Wants to trim some straight up hairs of her eyebrows

    Asalamalaikum, Earlier I used to thread my eyebrows but after knowing it is Haram to do so I have completely stopped doing it.I would like to know is it permissible to trim a few hairs(3-4 of them) in the eyebrows as they stand out.It is just trimming the ends that stand out?.. More