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Assalamu alikum in 18:86 of the quran what is this ayn some say spring but some say a spring is to small to look like it's setting please answer this I know you have answered a similar question but that doesn't explain ayn and that it is to small to look a sun is setting in it jazzakkALLAH
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This is a question that I have in my mind. I don't want to question Allaah, but I am asking so I can understand: What is the wisdom behind Allaah allowing there to be difference of opinion in the Deen? I know the reason as to why there is different opinions (I think such as the scholars have different understandings of the Qur`aan and the Sunnah), but.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I am the same questioner of fatwa no. 2633142. Is it true that Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with him, held the belief that the sun sets in a spring?
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Is it acceptable to use weak hadiths in tafsirs (Quran exegesis)? What does this mean exactly? Does it mean that they are authentic according to tafsir?
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Aslamualakaum. This is regarding surah 55 verse 39, i have seen the tafseer on your site, so please dont send me that, it is another question relating to it. ibn Abbas has apparanlty done a tafseer on the verese, my question is to do with his tafseer. I dont know much about hadith as im a layman, but the hadith is reported by Ali ibn talha (that is.. More
Is (Tanwir al-Miqbas min Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas) a authentic Hanafi tafsir
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Assalamu Alaikum, someone told me that the tafsir of Imam ibn Jawzi is good and reliable is that true? JazakumAllahu kheirun... More
Asslamu Alikum, my question is about the legitimacy of the Tafseer by Imam Baghawi? JazakumAllahu kheirun... More
Please tell us some of the strengths and weaknesses of the famous tafseer series of Shaykh Al-Qaasimee. Thank you... More
Assalamu alaiakum. What would you say about reading the tafsir by the late Grans mufti of Pakistan, Mufti Mohammed Shafi entitled Ma'ariful Quram. Is this a good tafsir, or does it contain errors?.. More
Was the whole Quran interpreted during the reign of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam? .. More
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