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seek knowledge even if you to venture to china is this hadith authentic?.. More
I heard that there are many Hadeeth saying breast feeding during pregnancy is not allowed. I managed to find only this: Partial Sunan Abu Dawood, Book 28, Number 3872: Narrated Asma, daughter of Yazid Ibn as-Sakan: I heard the Apostle of Allaah (peace be upon him) as saying: 'Do not kill your children secretly, for the milk, with which a child is suckled.. More
I need some help. I hope somebody amongst you may help me. I have a question which needs not a Fatwa but an answer. The question is: God Almighty, scholars say, bestowed 99 parts of wisdom on the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, and the rest of one part to the rest of the humanity. Kindly guide me as to on which source this statement is based... More
In Az-Zawaa'id, is there an authentic narration in which Abdullaah Ibn Zubair saw a man praying and raising his hands in Du'a during the Tashahhud and then told him: "Verily, the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, used to raise his hands and make Du'a only after completing Salah?" If so, does this raising of the hands in Du'a refer only.. More
Is “Work for your worldly life as if you are living forever, and work for your Hereafter as if you are dying tomorrow.”, a narration of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam? .. More
Many people report some statements which they attribute to the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, like, "Paradise is under the feet of the mothers.”, and “Whoever learns a language of a people, he is more aware and secure from their evils or plots.” What is the authenticity of these statements? Are they really narrations of the Prophet,.. More
One of my friends told me something which I want to make sure of. He said that it is ‘Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, who will question the two angels in the grave: Who is your Lord? What is your religion?..., instead of them asking him?.. More
I read in the book ‘At-Targheeb and At-Tarheeb’ the following two narrations:
1- If a man builds a building more than seven cubits, he will be called: “O most dissolute person, to where?”
2- When Allaah wants to disgrace a person he would cause him to spend his money in buildings.
Are these narrations authentic, as we see sky scrappers.. More
What is the classification of the following narration: "Take half of your religion from this little whitish woman"?.. More
Is the following narration authentic: “If you name a child Muhammad, do not beat him and do not deprive him”?.. More
Are the narrations "Recite Yaaseen [Quran, chapter 36] on your dead.", and "Chapter Yaaseen is effective on whatever it is intended." Correct?.. More
Is “Seek for your brother seventy excuses” a Prophetic narration, and if so what is the full text of the narration and its chain of narrators? .. More
Please say me whether the following Hadeeth are Daeef (weak). If not please provide the authenticity. I've come across these Hadeeth, related to Aayat Al-Kursi many times. Benefits of Aayat Al-Kursi: 1) Recite Aayat Al-Kursi at the time of leaving house because 70000 angels protect person from left, right, front and back and if a person dies before.. More
I wanted to ask about a Hadeeth in which the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, said that the Hell-fire will not touch a person who sees me.
Another Hadeeth I read that a person who sees me in a dream will see me on doomsday and he will get the water from Houdh Kauser to drink. And Hell-fire will not touch him.
Now, if a person sees the.. More
Please help me to find out the authenticity of one Hadeeth whether it is Saheeh or Dha'eef and also try to send the Arabic text of that particular Hadeeth. The Hadeeth as follows:
"If anyone of you recite Quran (with understanding) that is better than offering 100 Rak'ah Salah - Ibn Maajah 16:219. Expecting the full link of the above quoted.. More
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