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Assalaamu alaykum. In these times of tribulation, some of the Muslims have begun to accuse the Muslims of terror, murder, and other sins like drugs and alcoholism, lying, and prostitution when they see it in the Western news. They claim that because its permissible to narrate from Banu Israa‘eel (the Israelites)and that their sources are unknown and.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Please answer this question: can you tell me the soundness of the following hadith?
Ibn Abi Ad-Dunya relatesthe following from Ka’b:
“Ibrahim (Abraham), peace be upon him, saw a man in his house and asked, ‘Who are you?’ He replied, ‘I am the Angel of Death.’ Ibrahim said, ‘If you really are him, then show me a.. More
What is the classification of this hadith or story? And what book is it found in?
It was narrated that in the days that Moses, peace be upon him, wandered with Bani Israeel (the Jews) in the desert, an intense drought befell them. Together, they raised their hands towards the heavens, praying for the blessed rain to come. Then, to the astonishment.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. I have heard a story about a fish at the time of Prophet Sulaymaan, peace be upon him, who ate all food that was prepared; is that a true story? And if it is, then can you please mention it? May Allaah reward you, Shaykh.
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Assalaamu alaykum. Thank you for looking into my inquiry. There is a hadith that says that there are devils in the oceans that were imprisoned by Prophet Sulayman, peace be upon him, and that they will come out in the future and preach false revelation to the people. I heard this hadith was in Muslim and was narrated by Abdullaah ibn ‘Amr ibn Al-‘Aas:
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. In Ibn Abi Shaybah's Book of Paradise and Hell, there is the following hadith (35168):In paradise, there is a ruby in which 70,000 homes are present, and in every home 70,000 Hoors (the maidens of Paradise) are present and only a Prophet, a truthful one, a martyr, a righteous leader, and another person.. More
Is the following from Qisas Al-Anbiyaa' by Al-Kisaa'i authentic?“Eve had skin that was tender and white. She was the same form as Adam except that her skin was softer and purer in colour.”
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Assalaamu alaykum. There are reports that Ibn Masʻood and Ibn ʻAbbaas said that Iblis is an angel; are any of these reports authentic (as there are quite a few)? I know that Iblis is a jinn, so please do not send me the other fatwa as I already read that. I would just like to know in regards to these reports from Ibn ʻAbbaas and other.. More
Salam u Alaikum I have heard a story about Prophet Mousa asking Allah about his neighbor in Jannah, and Jibrael told him that he was a butcher and used to take good care of his mother. Due to his this kind act, Allah gave him a house besides Prophet Mousa. Is this story authentic. Please reply with authentic evidence. .. More
Assalamu Alaykum. I have a question about the authenticity of these statements, and can you help me to understand them? Hadith 1: Abu Ya'la transmitted from Jabir that Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and grant him peace) was asked about what is below the earth, and he said "water"; it was said "then, what is below water?" He said "darkness";.. More
What is the interpretation of the Hadeeth, "Narrate traditions from the Children of Israa’eel and there is no blame upon you"?
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What does it mean that a story is an Israelite narration? Is there a Hadeeth (narration) that belongs to Israelite narrations and should we act according to it? .. More
SalaamAlaikum, Sir who were those angels who had commited sins in this world. Then they repented invoking to be punished in this world instead in hereafter as they had seen hell. My nany told that they are in well somewhere in yemen but could never be able to taste water and their tongues are continuously hanging like that of a dog. Please could you.. More
Assalamu Alaykum,
Is the story of the tower of Bable and the spread of many languages among people accepted in islam?
Thank you.. More
Kindly analyze the evidence that the nails that exist on the ends of our fingers were originally the clothing all over Aadam ('alayhi-s-salaam) and his wife prior to their initial disobedience of Allaah ('azza wa jalla), after which they lost most of it and their nakednes became obvious to them... More
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