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Assalamu alaikum
How to give dawah to innovators? What to tell them to follow only Quran and Sunnah? Because when I tell them the right Sunnah way they refuse and fight... More
Zaid ask a question to a one mufti that one person says that Its allowed to Says kafir all Bidati muslim so Mufti replied that Its allowed.So what is the Rul of Shariah on that mufti
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Assalamu alaykum, Sufi scholars who justify celebrating milad, congregational dua after every prayer etc. as good Bidah justify that it is permissible to do bidah hasanah as there are evidences from ahadith. The folowing are the evidences they give. (1) Bukhari and Muslim relate from Abu Hurayra (Allah be well pleased with him) that at the dawn prayer.. More
Assalaam alaikum, question is regarding bidah The people of innovation question us, Why do you forbid us to recite the salaat before adhaan saying it is bidah but you yourself keep reciting dua everytime after the name of sahabee Saying May Allaah be pleased with him specifically when this was not known during the time of prophet or the time of sahabah... More
Assalaam alaikum, people have started something called Hijab Day, Do we describe it as an innovation or or do we categorize this as a means of dawah, like the week of sheikh muhammad bin abdul wahab(may Allaah have mercy on him)
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Is it permissible to specify certain acts of worship to be performed during the feasts of disbelievers, such as performing voluntary prayers on New Year’s eve, so as to be different from them?
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Please clarify in detail how a specific person can be judged as a heretical innovator.
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What are the rules for dealing with a disbelieving innovator?.. More
Is it permissible to travel to a country whose people are Sufis? Most of these people seek the help of the dead and offer certain acts of worship to them?.. More
What is Bid‘ah? I hope you can give me a detailed answer with reference to the Quran and Sunnah and the Hanafi School of Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence).
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Asalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatuallah Wa Barakatahu Allah Ta’ala has opened my eyes to the concept of bid’ah and it’s widespread among the Muslims. I have come to know that making ibada at the same time every day may be termed bid’ah if the Prophet (Peace be upon Him) did not do it Himself. In the morning (before or after Fagr) and in the evening.. More
What is a good innovation? What is wrong with acting on it?.. More
Is there good innovation and bad innovation in Islam?.. More
Assalaamalaikum, As we know that offering salaah in the mosque and with congregation is compulsory for every muslim and that too according to our beloved prophet muhammed(saw)has taught us to offer. As i reside in india and here muslims are divided in to bareilwi ,tableeghi,shafi etc.and they dont offer salaah in accordance to our prophet muhammed (saw).and.. More
What are the innovations that are mentioned in the Quran? .. More
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