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Assalamu alaykum wrwb!
I am a Hindu by religion and I was introduced to Islam a few years ago by someone very close to me as a person. I have learnt a lot from the person as well as through self-exploration. Islam teaches us not to believe in things blindly. To question the things that creates doubt in our minds. That is why Allah made us Humans and.. More
assalaamu alaykum. I sent this question before I think, but it was not answered properly as you reffered me to another fatwa. Are creed and faith the same? I hear some people say no and some say yes; it looks the same to me, so what is the right view?
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As Salam 'Alaykom, Tauhid is divided into three categories, Ar Rabubiyyah, Al Uluhiyyah and Asma was Sifat. When was Tauhid first categorized and who were the scholars that did it? Jazak'Allahu Khair.
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What is the linguistic and technical meaning of Tawheed?
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What is the meaning of the word ‘Aqeedah (creed)?
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Who are the Al-Muwahhidoon (monotheists)?.. More
What is meant by the term ‘Aqeedah? Who was the first person to use it in this context even though it was not mentioned in the Quran?.. More
If a person firmly believed in the Two Testimonies of Faith, "There is none worthy of worship except Allaah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah," would this be enough for him to enter Paradise?.. More
Please state the Quranic verses where Allaah explained the pillars of faith... More
What is the ruling on an arbitrators' decision, which was issued in a civic dispute, when they do not observe religious principles? .. More
Is there 4 branches of tawheed? 1. there is tawheed-ur-rububiyyah 2. there is tawheed-ul-uluhiyyah 3. there is tawheed-ul-asmaai-was-swifaat WHAT ABOUT TAWHEED OF LEGISLATION?.. More
What is the meaning of Al-Aqeedah
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What are the implication of Tawheed on Muslim's life? Please provide in details... More
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