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What is the ruling on being ignorant about monotheism? Could there be an excuse?
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Some people say that all Muslims are disbelievers, even if they declare the Two Testimonies of Faith, simply because they do some acts that result in disbelief while they are not aware of its impermissibility. Please advise. .. More
How can I have a sound creed and adhere to the correct path?.. More
What is the meaning of the term sound creed? .. More
I have been recommended the following two books to read to learn about the proper Islamic aqidah: 1. al-Ibânah `an Usûl al-Diyânah by Abû al-Hasan al-Ash`arî 2. al-I`tiqâd wal-Hidâyah ilâ Sabîl al-Rashâd by al-Bayhaqî [edited by Ahmad b. Abî al-`Aynayn] What is your opinion on the above books. Can you please also recommend some books for.. More
How do the articles of faith affect us as Muslims and belivers?.. More
You can search for fatwa through many choices