Assalamoalaikum. I would like you to advise me on a matter of utmost importance. I have become so low in my Eemaan and I am constantly under attack from the Shaytaan, so much so that I have missed prayers. I have committed many major sins. My big problem is that I can't seem to feel remorse for the sins I have committed and therefore I feel that.. More
I personally dislike living in Non-Islamic country and want know if its harm to live in Non-Islamic country. Can you all please provide me some Quran verses and authentic hadith in all your answers? Can you please also include some advantages and disadvantages of living in Non-Islamic country? I also want to know if something is not stated in the.. More
Is it allowed in Islamic Sharee’ah that women or men can chat on net with the masculine gender for female or feminine gender for males. Kindly give reply in detail with Hadeeth reference.
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Is it true that the muslim scholar Ibn Hazm el-Andalusi has said that if a person says that earth is not spheric-round he is a kafirbecause this is stated in the Qur'an very clear.In wich book is written?.. More
I am an English teacher. We are asked to use tapes that have music so that the students get the correct pronunciation. Do I do this or not? If the director insists on doing so what should I do? Please don't be late I'm in real trouble... More
My question is about 2 things:1) A situation in which twins are born, but attached together. One baby's heart is not pumping, but the second baby's heart is pumping for both. It wouldn't be advised by doctors to leave them together because the second child's heart will weaken and die. So my question is what would be the best thing to do.2) About abortion,.. More
I have a question regarding medical examinations which requires patients to reveal their private parts to the doctor.What is the ruling on a man who revealed his private parts to a woman doctor, only for the intention of medical examination?..the man is a Muslim and the woman is Christan. The man did not have any previous knowledge about the ruling.. More
What is the Islamic rule of spending time after the Isha prayers? Nowadays people go very late into the bed after watching TV or just sitting and chatting. Is there any Hadith saying about the use of time after Isha prayer.
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