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Is it permissible to make coffee art? Ie drawing a heart or a leaf symbol on a latte and other traditional art on coffee. Would it count as imitating the kaafir? Jazak Allah.. More
May Allah bless you, is it halal to memorise Quran using ai ( More
Is it haram to hate, ridicule or belittle a creation of Allah (swt) such as Humanity, a certain gender or an animal and be vocal about it?.. More
Nowadays it became custom than everyone owns a phone. What is the ruling on a man refusing to get a phone for his son, daughter and wife for no reason just because he does not like to spend on them anything beyond bare minimum? Considering the son and wife have no money and it customary for people like them to be bought a phone by the man?.. More
im a born-muslim but i only started practicing islam recently (Alhamdulillah) so before i started practicing islam, i would carelessly borrow money from my classmates or other students. my problem is, i forgot how much i owed, how much of the debt i paid off, and who the people are. (they may be non-muslims too.)also, no one is contacting me/asking.. More
Hello, I live in Germany. I am writing to ask if it is permissible to sign for a free bonus program or ‘loyalty program’ called payback. In this program, the customer can sign up for free to get a payback card and everytime customer shops from a partner company like supermarkets; he/she can show its card to the counter and collect points and exchange.. More
Assalamualikum wr wb i have 3 sons aged 15,14,12 recently my eldest one confessed to me that he has enagaged in a very shocking act of he holding his freinds genitals and viceversa that came as a shock and i asked whats the reason he said its just like that ,he mentioned 2 yrs ago he came across some video on the internet of porn but these 3 brothers.. More
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu,If a student of knowledge had the intention to reach a level of knowledge to a scholar level with the intention to benefit themselves and the ummah and made the effort to study and learn, yet died before reaching this desired goal. Will they achieve a rank in the akhira as if they did reach such a level of knowledge?
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Assalamu Alaykum. I use a “presto” card, which is used for paying transit fare for trains and buses here in Canada.The amount of money I had was low, and I tapped the card and got a message that I had negative balance. Upon doing research i found out that the next time I reload my card with money they have the right to charge me overdraft of 25.. More
Asalam alaikum. A scholar has asked his pupil to translate one of his works into another language. In this work, there are issues which the student strongly and vehemently disagrees with and believes it is outright misguidance (even though some scholars have taken the position that it’s permissible). The rest of the work is beneficial. Is it ok for.. More
Selam aleykumIs wearing a thron crown ring haram? Because the Christians claim that a thron crown was placed on the head of Jesus,when he got crucified.
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Is it permissible for a Muslim person to always use they/them pronouns for themselves instead of she/her or he/him?
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I am learning Arabic. To learn arabic eloquence I am reading poems of jahiliyyah which contains swears by deities and other shirk and kufr. Can I read it to learn arabic eloquence and understand quran better.
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assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.Please provide me with the hadith sources and arabic (with vowels) for the dua "O Allaah, send one of your dogs against him". Shukran.. More
If i stole a book,i know it is haram.but is the knowledge i have earned from the book also haram?
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