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1343 fatwas

  • Chat clubs on Internet

    We have a club in Yahoo called Yemen club, we discuss different topics in them, but in the last few days there was a big discussion. I wish that you advice us about it from the Islamic way. The founder of the group has made a Christian co. founder in the group who can delete the posts of the member or ban them or even delete the whole club, he has.. More

  • Going to the beach and swimming in the sea

    What does Islam says about going to the beach and swimming into the sea?.. More

  • Women dancing to romantic music

    In my village where I live women dance with ARABIC NEW SONGS which contains words like "I love you, I miss you, etc. Does Islam allow dancing to such songs?.. More

  • Drawing Living Beings

    I'm a Norwegian Muslim girl and I have a "little" problem...I'm going to a Norwegian school, and we have a drawing/art subject where we have to draw things with "life", like people, animals etc... But my mother told me that it is Haram to draw thing with "life", so I'm trying to avoid that. But we HAVE TO DO IT at school, because our teacher is going.. More

  • Muslims sight seeing in Churches

    Can Muslims visit a Church to see the American culture, only seeing the Church as a museum? .. More

  • Language in the Hereafter

    We all know that Arabic is the Language of the Qur'an and that Allah revealed the Qur'an in Arabic and that Arabic is the "Language of the Heavens". "Is it obligatory to learn the Arabic Language? If some one does not know Arabic then what will he do when the angels come to his grave for questioning him after his death and on the Day of Judgement when.. More

  • Operation for sex change

    What was the Islamic rules about effeminate man behaving like a woman who is having an operation to remove his male vital part and form it like a female part. He even form the woman breast. Now his body physically look like a woman. Also about his Aurah, his marriage to the man .his mixed with another woman and about his repentance. What I tell you.. More

  • Use of sedatives and anesthetics in Islam

    I am a doctor and want to know if the use of sedatives and hypnotics (sleeping pills) are allowed in Islam. it does not come under the ruling of Al Khamer... More

  • Islamic view of dangerous and expensive sports

    What is Islamic rule about a Muslim taking part in some dangerous sports like parachute, jumping, mountain climbing, etc. What about sports like football which costs a lot of money to build the stadium, to buy football equipment? What is Islam's view of these sports which costs a lot of money?.. More

  • Ruling on Martial Arts

    What is the status of practising Martial Arts like Boxing, and all the sports of aggression? .. More

  • Alcohol in Mouth Wash and Perfumes

    I have read some Ahadith in 'Sahih Muslim' about the prohibition of alcohol consumption, and it is also explained that it should not be used in or as a medicine. Can Muslims use a mouthwash (which is not consumed) which contains a lot of alcohol? If not, is there any other Halal alternative? Also can a Muslim use perfumes containing alcohol? .. More

  • In Vitro Operation

    Following results have been concluded by our doctor after my wife's leproscopy procedure. 1. She has torturous tubes result delay in egg reaching the uterus, resulting delay in reaching sperms to the egg. 2. There is a possibility for her to conceive but chances are it might be ecopotic pregnancy resulting an operation for tubes removal. 3... More

  • Shyness

    Since I became religious my (shyness) has increased very much, I and my face becomes red and sweaty whenever I join the lectures or friends' I want to have surgical operation to get rid of it so, is it ok or if you have any recomendation?.. More

  • Arabic for Muslims who Do Not Speak It

    Is it compulsory for Muslims who do not speak Arabic to learn Arabic language? .. More

  • Abortion for fetus with Down's syndrome

    Can a 36 year-old woman, 4 months pregnant with a fetus with Down's syndrome have an abortion? .. More