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Assalamu Alaikum,In the below link its says by Sheikh Uthaimeen "the Universe is small compare to creator".Is this correct to say Allah is bigger than universe or throne etc.As we are not aware the nature of Allah's existence how we will compare created things with creator. Big, small these are qualities of created physical world right. Please explain.https:/.. More
Assalamu 'alaikum. Is Allah in a direction?
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As salaamu alaikum.i am 33 years old muslim woman.i am following my religion.i have two doughts1)God exists or not,if yes why Islam only correct, I am asking this to became strong Muslim.I am feeling shy to ask second question but this second thing leading me to depression ,I am asking this question2)i married at the year 2010.from these 8 years I am.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have been pondering how to logically refute atheists, and I have been going over an introduction into it. I fear that because of how I introduce my speech, perhaps it is Shirk (polytheism) or Kufr (disbelief), even though I do not intend it so. This is the start of that refutation:
The very first question we must ask is if there.. More
Did the polytheists of Makkah believe in Allaah's Oneness of Lordship? I read the fatwa of Shaykh Ibn Baz as well as Muhammed Ibn Abdul Wahab's fatwa in which he claimed that the Polytheists of Makkah believed in Allaah's Oneness of Lordship but did not singled out Allaah, The Exalted, in worship. Is this statement correct? If it is, then what about.. More
Non-Muslims say that they get answers from their idols or those whom they take as their gods when they supplicate to them; how can they identify that Allaah is the only God and that there is no god but Allaah?
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I want an article on the mind's role regarding belief in Allaah... More
Is Allaah The Almighty able to create another god?.. More
How can we refute the claims of those who say that the universe is the product of chance?.. More
Where was Allaah The Almighty before He created the universe?.. More
How can we achieve Tawheed with respect to the Lordship of Allaah The Almighty in our life?.. More
How can I be sure that Allaah The Almighty exists?.. More
Sometime, doubts haunt me so that I question the existence of the Creator and the truthfulness of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Is it permissible for me to marry a Muslim man? .. More
Is it permissible for a Muslim to try to imagine what Allaah The Almighty looks like?
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What is the ruling on the saying, "People know Allaah through reason"? Does it mean that there are people who do not know of the existence of Allaah? If so, why does Allaah the Almighty punish them after death even though they are ignorant of His existence?.. More
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