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Did anyone from the Salaf did tafweed/taweel of Allaah’s hands, legs, face, etc? And what about Istiwaa; did anyone from the Salaf did tafweed/taweel of that too?
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Is it true that Allah increase in power and train his power every day?.
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Is it correct that it is not possible for Allah to do the following:-create another God-lie or sin or oppress-adopt a son-make a rock that he cannot lift (because that is similar to asking, Can Allah be deficient)?
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What is our approuch towards the Speech of Allaah saying that there is not the smallest resemblance between the Creator and Creation?Because if person A reads the Ayah: "Alhamdu lillaahi rabbil Aalemin"and person B says as a statement from his self: "hamdulillah"there would be a resemblance between what we hear from Person A and what we hear from Person.. More
Scholars say it is kufr to believe God is flesh and blood. However, the Quran does not say anything about whether God does or does not have flesh and blood. So why do scholars say this? Arent we supposed to neither affirm nor deny something that is not mentioned in the Quran
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1- I read this somewhere: For He exists with the attribute of perfection, and the fact that He can be seen both by Himself and others is among the characteristics of perfection. Does this mean that Allah can see Himself?
2- Prophet Mohammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,said, "If one of you lowered a bucket by a rope (into a well), then it would.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Does Allah have a shadow? Is there a contradiction between the fatwa of Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen and that of Shaykh Ibn Baaz, may Allah have mercy upon them? I have read a fatwa of Shaykh Ibn Baaz wherein he said, "Yes, as is reported in this narration and in some transmissions, 'in the shadow of His.. More
Is my understanding correct; that Allah's superiority and exaltedness are higher than that of his Attributes?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Someone quoted Ibn Taymiyyah as saying in his book Bayaan Tablis Al-Jahmiyyah(1/568), "If Allah had willed He could have settled on a mosquito, and it (the mosquito) would have found Him (Allah) light (or it would have carried him on its back). Could you please explain this statement and how it does not contradict the majesty and.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Sir, I asked you this question before, but I did not get the answer properly; I mean that I did not understand it. Please, tell me in simple wordings whether our attributes,like knowledge etc., are created? The knowledge is from Allah's knowledge, so it cannot be a creation as it is His attribute, so if our knowledge is also from.. More
Do the names and attibutes of Allaah have a higher value or status than the entire Quran given that they are His names?
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Assalaamu alaykum. So far, I know that my name has been taken from one of the glorious names of Allaah, i.e., 'Al-Sayyid'. Many people jokingly and affectionately call me 'Saadu', or other names, by changing the pronunciation of my name. At times, when someone is angry with me, they also shout at me, changing my name's pronunciation, although they know.. More
Do you know of any statement from Imam Al-Bukhaari about the Hands, Face, Eyes, and Legs of Allaah being metaphorical and not literal?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykh, is the following quote authentic, and did Ibn Taymiyyah compare Allaah, The Exalted, with the sun or moon. Shaykh Al-Islam has said in Al-Aqeedatul Hamawiyah that the hadith is true in its manifest meaning; that Allaah, The Exalted, is over the Throne and that He is ”in front of the face of.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu Shaykh. I would like to know whether the narration of Imam Abu Hanifa about Allaah, The Exalted, being above the throne is authentic (Sharh Aqeedah Tahawi). Some Deobandis (Asharis) are claiming that this narration is weak and munqati (discontinous). Can you please provide the full chain of this narration?
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