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Can you please tell me if this true that if a woman doesn't cover her head the angels of blessings don't come in that place? Is this true that when Jibreel brought down the first verses of Quran to Prophet Muhammad
in Ghar-e-hira, that when he had gone to Khadeejah
she asked him if.. More
I read a Hadith saying that there are two groups of angles who follow you in the morning and the evening. Do the angles protect you or do they just stay with you until they go back to Allaah and tell Allaah about you? .. More
Is there anything more powerful and evil than the Shaytan (devil)? Do Angels ever pass away (die)? Will Angels get punished? What does it mean, when you think of Islam, when your deep sleep, and you cry? Can the dead see us? .. More
One of my friends informed me that when an angel does a sin it is wiped out immediately. My question is whether the angels do evil, and, if so, are their sins eliminated off as my friend informed me. I need a very urgent reply.. More
I heard that Israfeel and Izraeel were not the real names of the two angels. Can you clarify please? .. More
I know that angels can whisper in the hearts of humans as well as devils. How can you distinguish between the two? Please give examples from the Hadith... More
I was wondering if it is only the Shaitan and the Jinn that can whisper to mankind. Is it in the Sunnah that angels might whisper to ordinary people for help or guidance? Please give evidence... More
Do Angels have a body like human beings do?
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When Allah Sends an Angel (Malek) to someone under a human form, or human image! Is it possible to meet this human form somewhere else? In other words can this human form be a known person or a friend?
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Clarify according to Ahadith or Qur'an the number of Angels of Death. If them is only one, how does he take the souls of many people at the same time?
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"For each [person] there are angels in succession, before and behind him, they guard him by the Command of Allah" [13: 11]. As I think Angels are more powerful than Shaitan then why Angels are not protecting us from Shaitan (Satan) who always try to keep us on the wrong path... More
We have talked about the name of the Angel of death, and I told my friend that there is no Angel called Izrael. Please, explain to us this point... More
When the name of Angel Gibreel is mentioned some people said Alaihi Salatu Wa Salaam. Is there any evidence for this from the Qur'an or Hadith?
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Can angels be photographed? Is it possible they have a shape similar to humans?
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