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What was the mission or task of the Messiah?
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What was the mission of our Prophet Muhammad (phub) and in what way was it different than the mission of other prophets of Allah (swt)?
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Aslamualakum My questions has a few parts. But let me explain first. Also please answer as soon as possible as it is important and please don't refer me to another fatwa. I'm confused at how these Christian healers work who Apparantly "heal" people form sickness. I'm confused because im wondering what is this, I know many area fake and u have seen many.. More
Why did Allaah The Almighty send Prophets and Messengers?.. More
What is the importance of Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) to Muslims?.. More
Can a strict believer in God, His Books, His Angels, His Prophets (Alaihi As-Salaam) and the Judgment Day who always does good things and prays, fasts and recites the Qur'an regularly and who does Du'a and who is kind to the people see the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) in the seventh heaven and live with him and his family (Radiya Allahu.. More
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