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Assalam-o-Aliekom! Please could you provide me the details regarding the subject that our deeds (whether good or bad) are created and more broadly that the all the movements on the earth is created. This I would like you to clarify to me evidentialy from The Quran and Hadiths. Moreover, kindly provide some explanations pertaining to the subject by eminent.. More
Would you please provide me with information about the Preserved Tablet? Is it true that Allaah The Almighty enables His chosen allies to know what it contains?.. More
We believe that nothing moves without the will of Allaah and nothing remains motionless without His will. My question is, how valid is this statement: Creatures are mere images, whose essence is the command of Allaah. That is to say, fire burns only according to the command of Allaah, a knife cuts only according to the command of Allaah, the sun shines.. More
Was man's fate recorded before his creation? Would supplication change this? .. More
Is the woman one is meant to marry predetermined before his creation?.. More
A caller to Islam once mentioned that after creating mankind, Allaah The Almighty divided them into two groups: a group for Paradise and another for Hell. This means that whoever is predestined to be among the wretched will inevitably enter Hell and this is perfect justice. My question is: How could it be called perfect justice when someone enters.. More
Is it lawful to think that some righteous persons have the ability to look at Al-Lawh Al-Mahfooth (Preserved Tablet) and know the unseen? Someone alleges that this happened to Al-Jilaani, Ash-Shaathili and Ibn Taymiyyah. .. More
Is everything predetermined before it happens?.. More
I have gone through your site on Fatwas about predestination. I would like to ask one question regarding this. Has Allaah already decided what will happen or is it that He already knows what will happen? One Scholar said that Angel only records in the womb what will happen but does not make it happen. Hope you will answer considering the above.. More
Is it true that Allah has already chosen our marriage partners before we are born? If so, where can I find information on this and othere related articles?.. More
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