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If a Muslim committed Ridda and later repented, what would happen to his rewards he got for his good deeds before he committed the Ridda?
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I am very embarrassed about this, but I need help. I married my wife last year, and at the beginning of this year, a few things happened, and I do not know what to do:
1. In January, I said some really bad things,which may amount to Kufr (disbelief), to my wife, I basically said that, for me, she is Allah, and I prostrated to her. Did this break.. More
What do the four schools say about a disbeliever who is so sick and depraved that he dares to curse his Creator, Allah? Also, what do they say about a disbeliever who curses our Prophet, sallallahu ʻalayhi wa sallam?
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Assalaamu alaykum. My Sister said that Allaah does not listen to her and that He is not good. My sister said this in front of me, and I told her to repent, but she refused. She said this because she is upset with our family problems. She is married with a Barelvi man. Is her marriage valid? And what should I tell her to do? Does she need to renew her.. More
My question is simple: what if a Muslim says, "Jesus is my God"? What will happen? What if the person who says that was a Christian before? What if it is a female and she was emotional and stupid?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Someone asked a Muslim married man about his religion and whether he is a Muslim or not. The Muslim man was drunk at that time. He replied, "No, I am of all religions". Afterwards, however, during the same instance/discussion, he clarified that he is Muslim. Please tell me, should the Muslim man renew his marriage contract because.. More
Say that someone does a good deed like, for example, leading the prayer, and he then apostatizes from Islam and then becomes Muslim again, and then another muslim complements him for his good deed [leading the prayer] and says, "May Allaah reward you," then how should the person who became Muslim again respond? What if he stays quiet, would he be doing.. More
What is the ruling onpeople who raise questions about the actions of Prophets and their wives or the Companions and their wives and swear at them for their actions? It may be any action of them; for example, Ibrahim's, may Allaah exalt his mention, abandoning wife and son in the desert, the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam,marrying a very young.. More
My wife and I got married two years ago. She reverted to Islam, but now her family have been hiding her from me. After 100 days, they forcefully made her return to Hinduism just because they want to dissolve the marriage given that the court can dissolve the marriage according to law 1933, which states that if the man is Muslim and the woman is Hindu,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I resubmit my original question as you requested, with a little elaboration:
Assalaamu alaykum. Did Abu Bakr, may Allaah be pleased with him, not allow apostates into the army even after their repentance? And did ‘Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him,although he did accept them into the army say not to make them the Caliph?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have read a statement of Ibn Hazm in which he says that anyone who mocks Allaah is regarded a disbeliever after showing him the evidence. The source is: Al-fasi fi aAl-Malal wal Ahwa wal Nihal 3/299. However, I have often read that there is no excuse of ignorance regarding the disbelief of insulting Allaah or the religion. You said.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. 1. I have heard that if a person insults the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,he becomes a disbeliever. Will a person become a disbeliever if he insults other Prophets? 2. Will a person become a disbeliever if he insults the Companions or the angels.
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Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I have some possessions belonging to a person. This person ran away from her husband, committed apostasy, and asked for a divorce. Her ex-husband gave me some of her personal objects. She asked me for her things, but she did not give me an address nor the money needed for the postal service (which is.. More
I asked about accepting a gift from an apostate and it has been answered, but what if the case has not reached the judge in order to declare him an apostate and I rebuked that person but he refused to listen, can a gift from him be accepted? Secondly, if I lend that person money after his apostasy, can I accept the money if he pays it back? Meaning,.. More
Assalamu alaykum. I truly appreciate the work that you do answering questions, and I have a question that is really important and I need advice, Allaah willing. I am very eager to receive your response, Allaah willing, as I am very worried. I go to High School in America, where things are taught from a secular standpoint. Earlier this year, my dad and.. More
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