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Salaam. The person who connects me with people whom i sell and buy cars from happens to be a Fasiq, because he brings in different ladies into his room. Though i haven't seen him commit zina, but i am suspecting that he is commiting zina with those ladies. I once heard him say he hit someone with a car while he was travelling one day but didn't wait.. More
How to maintain ties of kinship with kaffir family, what can you do if they constantly say kufr, and every time they say their greetings they say words of kufr in them, is it sinful if listen to them say these words and stay silent?Anytime that they call, message, speak they say these words so how can possibly keep ties?And what if grandmother is crying.. More
Assalamu alaykum, I know that making friends with non-Muslims is forbidden, but where I live, even in my family, there is no Muslim other than me, and in that case I should not have friends at all, which is impossible! Is the ruling different in my situation? If it isn't different, what should I do?
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assalamu alaikum, I was thinking about giving my non islamic friend a Quran, and help him get into islam. But, he is a homosexual, is this reason for me to be exiled from Islam or will I be ok?thanks
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Assalam Alaikum, I am boy ( 21 age) from India. I have never committed zina, Drinking Alcohol, murder etc.I am unmarried and I am also keeping fast 10 days in every month and regularly pray 5 times Salah with Tahajjud ( before Fajr prayer) Salah . I am keeping fast for fear of masturbation ( major sin). If a pious and religious person will commit suicides,.. More
I have a toy plane that says “Cripes Almighty” on it. Cripes is a euphemism for Christ. Do I have to get rid of it. Is it Kufr to keep it. Can I just cover it with a sticker
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Can i make dua and sedeqah for my parents who died with out islam?
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Is saying “go to hell” as a joke kufr or shirk? Will the person who said it end up in hell because they spoke for something that only Allah knows about? I have said it as a joke but then I immediately regretted it and started asking myself these questions.
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Assalamualaikum sheikh.I saw a video of famous dai(Ahmed deedat)who share a story of christian man and sheikh debating.The sheikh made a point that Allah cry(naudzubillah)because he cant save his own son to the chrostian missionary.Ahmed deedat(May Allah have mercy on him) tell this story at his lecture and people start laughing.Is this kufr or not.
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Salamu allikum my names nawal I wanted to ask my husband insults the Islam religion and the prophet when we argue or fight or even he abuses Allah am I divorced from him since we were married on Islam if he abuses the religion and insult the prophet is it over since the marriage was based on Islam.when ever hes mad on something he abuses that's hes.. More
Hello.I comitted a lots of shirk and kufr and blasphemies, that you never imagine of, and i cannot remembre them all of. perhaps worst than pharaoh, i cannot say thAT, Allah knows.Can i be forgiven?
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Salam alaykom! The 125th ayah of Surah Taha says that the disbeliever will be raised blind on the Day of Judgement, but other ayaat state that the disbeliever will see clearly on the Day of Judgement, such as 14:42 and other verses. How do we reconcile and understand the verses which speak about blindness and seeing on the Day of Judgement? BaaraakAllahu.. More
Salam alykum, there is a difference of opinion on the symbols on what is found on some abaya that are sold some which seem to be like the symbol of the cross, the sister is saying that it does not symbolise the cross because the pattern is slightly apart , I have a pic of it is there anyway of sending it to you so that you may see it your self and give.. More
Assalamu AlaykumI urge you to answer my questions as soon as possible.Judgment when a Muslim is called or hukum as a Kafir Munafik Shaitan? Will people who call or hukum lose their religion?
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just have a question about that does not liking or loving Hoor Alyn, make a women a disbeliever even if she is convinced that Allah knows best, but she just can't love Hoor Alyn ? Also, just with that if a woman desires to spend few hours everyday with her husband, would that be reduced because of Hooris ? So does the presence of Hoor Alyn means that.. More
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