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I reluctantly went with my mother to one of those who claim to treat illnesses. He asked her what she was complaining about and she told him that she had a severe headache. He then asked her to sit beside him, laid his hand on her head and started to recite. Having finished the recitation, he told her that she was under the effect of a spell. When.. More
I have been married for eleven years and started to suffer from sexual impotence five years ago. All tests show that I am medically fit. Thus, what is the ruling of having an intimate relationship with my wife through foreplay only? May I go to a diviner, for I feel that I am under a spell?.. More
Do soothsaying and divination result in apostasy?
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Is it permissible for a girl who has had many suitors but was never engaged to go to soothsayers to determine if she is bewitched, or should she just wait for as long as Allaah wills?.. More
I am a 45-year old woman who has not yet married. Some people have told me that I am bewitched and advised me to seek the help of a fortune-teller, so I went to a female diviner and she told me that I am indeed bewitched. What is the ruling on this?.. More
Is there a prayer called the "inquiry prayer" that a Muslim can perform for investigating an unseen matter, noting that I do not mean Istikhaarah (guidance-seeking prayer)?
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Many things were stolen from me, like money and gold, so, unfortunately, I went to diviners. What is the expiation for this sin?.. More
Is it permissible to employ Jinn when treating patients?.. More
Is it permissible to go to a woman who treats with the Quran but also communicates with the Jinn?.. More
I know a woman who claims to be able to tell the future through reading coffee grinds. Astonishingly, she tells me secrets that nobody knows except for me. Is this considered soothsaying and divination?.. More
A large amount of money was stolen from the house of my friends. Some people told them that there was a person who could return what had been stolen from them. They went to that person and he showed them, on the surface of some water that he had, the thief and the place where he had hidden the money. Thus, they had the stolen money returned without.. More
Is it lawful to seek treatment with an astrologer who uses herbs?
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What is the ruling on reading books on the zodiac, which I am sure, have nothing to do with magicians or devils; they only study the effects of the planets on humans?
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My brother was lost 45 days ago, and we searched for him everywhere, but we have not found him yet. Without our knowledge, one of our relatives went to a soothsayer and the soothsayer guided him to the place where we might find our brother. Would we be sinning if we went to that place, or would the sin be our relative's who went to the soothsayer.. More
salaam .there was one article lunar phasesand fertility eventhough it was a islamic site ,searched other sites also that led to astrology sites .is it sin ? is n't my 40 days and nights prayer acceptable ? i really dont want to know future. is any kind of tawba or any amal help me from this ?also i searched bithday as per local year that mostly follows.. More
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