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1098 fatwas

  • The decomposition of the coccyx bone

    Asalamu 'aleykum.there is a Hadith about the day of resurrection which states, that humans will be resurrected from the end part of the coccyx bone.Now scientists and Atheists claim, that all bones including that one decay in the earth. I know, that there are other islamic sites which claim, that it is scientifically established, that the coccyx bone.. More

  • Persistent drinker of alcohol must not stop praying, may repent even after fourth occasion

    asalaam alaikum the hadhees which says that the person who drink alcocohol third time after repent the god promised to make him drink the mud of khabaal my question is how does we count third time for using alcohol [i mean if he just pray does it will count or does it count when he repent after a pray]? [i ask this question because i told my frend who.. More

  • The authenticity of six Ahaadeeth about lowering the gaze

    As salamu alaykom respected Alim I would like to ask if any of these hadith happen to be authentic as they are rotating on social media without any full reference... “A Muslim who accidentally looks at the beauty of a woman and, instead of continuing to look at her, lowers his gaze, will be rewarded by Allah with such worship, the sweetness of which.. More

  • Rejoicing over Allaah's mercy does not include celebrating Prophet's birth

    One of my friend quoted the following verse of Quran-Chapter Yunus Verse no. 57 and 58 for Muhammad SAWS as Rehmat (mercy) and thereupon rejoice(celebrate) as an evidence from Quran for celebrating the Birthday of Prophet SAWS. Please clarify as some scholars say Rehmat(mercy) mention in verse refers to Quran/Islam but he says it refers to Prophet Muhammad.. More

  • Why scholars include weak Ahaadeeth in their works

    Shaykh, mu question is regarding the book ''Kitab Al-Sunnah'' of Imam Abdullah Ibn Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, rahimahullah.Are all hadiths and sayings in this book sahih, or this book it contains alsso weak and fabricated hadiths and sayyings?We have read from a sufi Nuhi Ha Mim Keller who pretends that he had controlled this book with Shaykh Shuayb Arnaoot.. More

  • No part of the Sunnah was lost

    May Allah reward you dear scholars.Is it possible that a Hadith that contains a specific ruling in the religion has been lost?Do most of the scholars of Hadith agree on the classification of a certain Hadith? Meaning do you rarely find any differences of opinion concerning the authenticity of a certain hadith?Some of the Quranists (A name that ironically.. More

  • Hadeeth not found: 'The first one to congratulate on Rajab…'

    The hadees"if anybody inform about the month of rajab first time,hell is haram for him ,is this hadees swaheeh .. More

  • This hadeeth has no source in books of Sunnah

    As salamualaikum. I ask about the authenticity of a hadeethwhich reads:"There will be men of my nation who will call people to the sayings of their monks and rabbis and will act upon them, and they will envy Muslims for the saying "Aamen" behind the Imaam, in the same way the Jews had envied you for that. Verily, they are the Jews of this nation, they.. More

  • Hadeeth: 'A complete greeting includes shaking hands'

    As salamualaikum. I read of a hadeeth in kanzul ummal of al-Hindi vol 5 hadeeth no. 25347 that Abu umamah ra said that complete Islam is to hold your brothers hand and to do musafah with right hand only .could you inform me about the authenticity of ahadeeth . .. More

  • Story about Prophet giving man herb to have children not found

    asallamu alakium dear sheikh my question is how authentic is this hadeeth A man came to Muhammad s.a.w. and said RasoolAllah s.a.w. I do not have children please give me a child. Rasool Allah s.a.w. said Ask Allah he will give. The man said NO. I will ask only You please give me a Child. Again RasoolAllah s.a.w. said Ask Allah he will give. Again the.. More

  • As-Saheehayn confirmed authentic based on Muslims' continuous transmission

    I have read the response u gave me regarding this question but I am not satisfied!....So I am asking again!...please answer my question with proofs, may Allah reward you! Can you provide me with the references and sources from which it can be said that two sahihain(bukhari & muslim) are authentic i.e.,that the two Imams took utmost care to compile.. More

  • Hadeeth: 'Molten lead poured into songstress listener's ears'

    What is the authenticity of the following ahadith 1)in which there is warning to those who listen songs/music and it is said melted steel will be put into their ears 2)one who sees others with desire and it is said fire will be put into his eyes. Please besides discussing authenticity(by quoting comments of various scholars)also quote these ahadith.. More

  • Hanafis and Shaafi‘is disagreed on some Hadeeth science issues

    Ya Shaikh it is well known that in Fundamentals of Fiqhi schools Usol AlFiqh Hanafi , Shafee and others , there exists alot of differences in AHKAM Formulation ... But i heard that Mustalahat AlHadeeth of Hanafi and Shafi are also different to each other . Is it true .. More

  • Three Ahaadeeth about Allaah's mercy and forgiveness

    What is the authenticity of the following reports[which I read long ago from a book(in ignorance) written in Urdu language] and if any one of these is authentic then please besides quoting also mention comments of great schlors also(so that I may understand that clearly) It is reported that Prophet Muhammad(peace & blessings of Allah be upon him).. More

  • There is no Hadeeth about the therapeutic properties of onions

    Assalaam u alaikum I have 2 questions 1) I read on some Islamic page that if an onion juice is provided to a cancer or tumor patient for about 40 days, by stopping his chemotherapy, may cure him/her as Allah has given treatment for every disease and it is a hadees that onion besides having odd smell cures 70 please throw some light on More