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1098 fatwas

  • The narration: O Allaah! Protect me from the bitter cold section of Jahannam

    Salam alaikum, I would like to know if this duaa is authentic: "La ilaha illallahu, ma ashadda barda hadhal yawm, allahumma ajirni min zamhariri jahannam (There is no deity except Allah. How cold is this day! O Allaah, protect me from the bitter cold section of Jahannam." BarakAllah feek!Salam alaikum, Nuha .. More

  • False allegations about Abu Hurayrah, Al-Bukhari and Muslim

    one man 'chekannur moulavi' in kerala propogating Abu Huraira Bukhari Muslim and so on were Jews and they wanted to spoil Islamic ideals. Your comment .. More

  • A weak Hadeeth about Tawakkul

    One of my friend told me about below hadith, can you please verify if this is authentic? A Sahabi asked his wife for some to eat, and she said there was nothing in the house. He went to the Masjid prayed 2 rakaat, came back, still there was nothing. He figured there was something wrong with his Salaat, so he went back to the Masjid prayed.. More

  • The Sacred Hadeeth: Do not record it against him until ...

    if any human being their disbelief leads them to commit sins in intention but they don't do it is this hadith still applicable to them'dont write a bad deed unless they do it'.. More

  • The Hadeeth: Camels were created from devils

    Al salam alikom wa rahmat Allah wa barakato, I have read an article saying that camels were created from Jinn and that prophet Muhammad ( PBUH) ordered the sahabah not to pray in places where camels are present, so is this true?.. More

  • This Hadeeth is inauthentic (Shaath [odd] or Munkar)

    Is this authentic? Narrated by Maysara (ra), I asked: "O Messenger of Allah, when were you [first] a Prophet?" He replied: "When Allah created the earth ‘Then turned He to the heaven, and fashioned it as seven heavens’(2:29), and created the Throne, He wrote on the leg of the Throne: "Muhammad the Messenger of Allah is the Seal of Prophets".. More

  • A narration about haggling with the seller

    Salaam Alaikum, Dear Shaikh I have many question kindly reply me in details, What is Daif Hadith? And can one use them (follow its instructions) or tell others for goodness? Is there any famous book that explains about types of Hadith their claasification, forms etc? From my childhood, I have been informed (about Hadith) that the customer.. More

  • How a family thanks Allaah for their son’s success

    Assalamolaykom... a) A son had graduated from the university. A family wanted to cook and send it to the mosque and ask the congregation to make a dua as to thank to Allah of their son's success. b) In stead of the first aoption, the family wanted to invite the family members and friends to their house, and read yassin, dzikr and dua in congrergation.. More

  • We have not come across this story

    Assalamu alaikum, There is a story which says that a jewish woman used to throw dirt on the prophet daily and one day she didnt do the same. The prophet enquired about her and she was sick. After he visited her, she was moved by his kindness. This story is famous in indian sub-continent and elsewhere. What is the source of this story? Is this authentic?.. More

  • The Hadeeth: Whoever has seven ‘Ajwah dates every morning…

    Assalamu Alaikum, There is a hadith that if a person eats odd number ajwah dates, he will be protected from magic and poison. During a muslim debate with christians, christian scholars challenged to prove this hadith. The muslim scholar said that the hadith is against Quran and common knowledge and hence cannot be accepted. Is the hadith acceptable.. More

  • A Hadeeth about giving charity to the one who offended you

    assalamualaikum warhamtullahi wabarakatuhu can you please confirm if the below is authentic extract from hadith or fabrication. "Better sadqa is towards any person who has offended you or your loved ones" - the actual hadith was sent to me in urdu and goes as follows huzoor akram saw ne farmaaya:sab se afzal (behtar) sadqa yeh hai ke aadmi apne.. More

  • A false narration about giving Salaam whilst eating

    Salam Alaykum Shaikh, Is it proved any where in Sunnah that we should not convey salam to those who are taking their food, if any one convey salam also we should not reply to them. Because some people saying that it is prohibited to say salam while eating the food, but these people talk all unnecessarily things while eating. Kindly explain through.. More

  • This Hadeeth has nothing to do with the number of times a woman discharges semen

    Assalaam alaikum sheikh, We know scientifically that the egg is only released once a month and the ovum fluid carries it to the fallopian tubes waiting for fertilization to occur which is known as ovulation.So the fluid is discharged only once a month.But according to the Hadith of Prophet Mohammad (saw) women should make ghusl if they see the.. More

  • My intercession will be guaranteed for the one who visits my grave

    Assalamu alikum, the hadith which states "My intercession become compulsory for the one who visited my grave". I have read subki, Sakhawi, Abdul Haq authenticated this hadeeth while most of the muhadditheen said this is weak, but my main concern is, what is the stance of Imam ad-Dahabee? Imam ad-Dahabee ra rejected this narration in[Meezan al-Aitedaal.. More

  • The narration “Ammaar will be killed by the rebellious group”

    Assalamu Alaikum, There is hadith which says that Prophet(saw) said that Ammar ibn Yasir will be killed by people who are in error and who are wrong doers. Since Ammar ibn Yasir was killed by Muawiyah troops, why the Ahlus Sunnah still believes that he was not killed by wrong doers. .. More