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On a Sufi website, I read that Ibn Taymiyyah, Ath-Thahabi and Ibn Al-Qayyim were Sufis. Is that correct? Why was Ibn Taymiyyah buried among Sufi graves? Are Sufis considered to be a group of Ahl As-Sunnah, or are they a deviant group? .. More
What is Tasawwuf or Sufism? What is its definition? When did it start? What is its methodology? Are Sufis right or wrong? What is the evidence for this?.. More
What is the ruling on the Faatihiyyah prayer (a wording for blessing the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) mentioned by the Tijaaniyyah sect?.. More
I belong to the Qaadiriyyah Sufi sect, who call their Sheikh Ghawth Az-Zamaan and say that he is in contact with Allaah The Almighty and His Messenger, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and they seek his aid in times of distress. What should I do?
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When and where did Sufism emerge?.. More
What is the Sufi school called the Butsheeshiyyah?.. More
Who are the Naqshabandiyyah?.. More
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum; Recently the Deputy Imam in our mosque who is from India introduced me to a gentleman whose father founded an Islamic Madrasa in India. Many issues were discussed that the Madrasa does and how they need financial assistance. I showed interest in providing finance for construction of an additional mosque that is required for the.. More
An Imaam in Morocco and his followers, who follow the Teejaaniyyah order, recite some Athkaar (remembrances and mentionings of Allaah) after the ‘Asr prayer, especially on Fridays, accompanied by strange movements after which they spread a long white garment around them. Are these acts considered religious innovations? Is it permissible to pray.. More
Who are the Shaathilis?
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I have read on your site that there is a Fatwa issued by Al-Azhar and a decree issued by the Sufi Council of Egypt warning about the Burhaaniyyah Sufi Tareeqah. Would you please provide me with the text of the Fatwa and the decree, because in the country where I live there are some followers of this Tareeqah who doubt the existence of this Fatwa... More
What are incarnation and pantheism?
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Could you please provide me with evidence from Sharee‘ah (Islamic legislation) proving that Sufism is a religious innovation?
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Salaam Alaykum,
Are teachers equable compared to parents in respect and are peers more worthy of respect than parents?
Once on Madani channel we saw a man telling that peer is more entitled for respect than even compared to one's parent?
Are these Madani people (i.e. those who often wear dark green turben as customary) correct?
What is the meaning.. More
What does the Chadilite doctrine mean ? (abdessalam ben Mchich in morocco) and what is the ruling about it ? .. More
You can search for fatwa through many choices