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How can a alim ulama like Imam Ibn Taimiyyah have such a high status? What are their daily activities to have a high manzilah?
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Assalamu'alaikum, is it true in zad Al Maad Ibn Al Qayyim said that enlargening the muscles of the body weakens one's mind? Can we prefer researches by modern non muslim doctors over Ibn Al Qayyims research regarding medicine?
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Can you recommend me some beginner books of hanafi madhab.
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Can we believe in atoms and molecules ? I heard that Ibn Taymiyah (rahimahullah) rejected atoms (i.e .did not believe in it). Is this true?
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Assalam Aalekum sheikh it is hadith in Tabrani Awsat from Abu Hurairah that men will go to 100 virgins in single morning in jannah i have read the hadith is classified sahih by imam Albani but in another book tafseer ibne kaseer with authentication from hafiz Zubair Ali Zai that isnad is daif so the above hadith is authentic or daif
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Assalam Alaikum. I heard and know that Abu Haneefah and his companions were known as Ahl al rayy ( People of opinion ). Is it true that many scholars disliked Abu Haneefah and sometimes criticized him? Maybe like Al Thawri, Malik, Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Al Qayyim, Ibn Hajar, Al Bukhari and his teacher, Al Shafee' and other major scholars.. More
Assalam aalekum who is imam ath-Thhabi
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Who was Imam Abu Mansur al-Maturidi and why Hanafis mostly follow him in theology?
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Dear scholars,I always hear hadith scholars like Al-Haakim,Ibn Khuzaymah, Ibn Hibbaan and Al Albani being criticized for their gradings.for instance I saw voluminous books were written, dedicated to attack Albani.Yet I always see their names after hadiths, like "classed as sahih by Al Hakim". I do not know if I should take these hadiths seriously since.. More
Assalamu Alaikum,Did Imam Malik prefer the practice of people of Medina even after he being convinced about the authenticity of a hadith . Why didn't all the later scholars follow Imam Malik's methodology if his methodology is correct.
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Assalaamu alaykum. Some people claim that Ibn Taymiyyah became an Ash‘ari and that that is why some Ash‘ari scholars praised him.He (Ibn Taymiyyah) was kept in jail till the Ameer of Aal Al-Fadhl interceded for him. On Rabee‘ Ul-Awwal, 23, Ibn Taymiyyah was brought to the fortress, where he debated with some scholars, and then a report was written.. More
I was wondering regarding Ibn Hajar's works, which one did he finish first: Al-Mishkaat or Taqreeb Al-Tahdheeb? Which one came after the other?
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What is the status of Hammaad ibn Salamah in Hadith narrations? I hear that some say that he is a weak narrator? For example, if ‘Ali ibn Zayd Judʻaan narrates from him, is he considered weak?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. Is it confirmed that Khalid bin Yazid heard from Abi Hilaal Sa‘eed bin Abi Hilaal before losing his memory? May Allah reward you.
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Greetings again, Scholars. This is not a question about a hadith, but I would like to know, who was the scholar Ibn ‘Adi?
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