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Assalaamalaikum sheikh, I came to know from many sources including your own website that great scholar like Imam Abu Hanifa prayed the fajr prayer with the wudu of isha prayer for 40 continuous years and Imam Ahmed prayed 300 voluntary prayers daily and recited the whole Quran daily and similar such feets by other great personalities of Islam. If this.. More
I have heard that Ar-Razi was an atheist.Is it true?.. More
I would like to know if khateeb baghdadi was influenced by kalam. did he accept akhbar e ahaad?> I heard that whoever distinguishes between mutwatir hadith and akhbar e ahaad is from ahlul bidah. please explain.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, there is a book attributed to Imam Ash-Shafi on tafseer. Did he really write a book on tafseer? JazakumAllahu kheirun... More
Assalamu Alikum, I wanted to please know more about Imam Ibn Nahas and who he was? JazakumAllahu kheirun... More
Assalamu Alikum, I wanted to know the date of birth and death of Khalifa Umar ibn Abdel-Aziz? JazakumAllahu kheirun... More
As Salamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu In a Sisters Discussion Forum it was brought to our notice that the Book Healing with the Prophet’s (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) medicine is based mainly on Greek medicine and as such the title of the book is misleading as people will attribute the four types of degrees (hot, cold, wet and dry) which.. More
Please inform us of the famous Muqri' Ad-Doori after whom the riwaayah of Ad-Doori 'an Abee 'Amr was named. Also please tell us a little of this riwaayah. Is he (Ad-Doori) the same Muqri' after whom the riwaayah of Ad-Doori 'ani-l-Kisaa'iyy was named?.. More
biography of imam assayuti.. More
salam plz tell me the reason why we call imam Abuhanifah as many children they have ,how many daughters ,what r the names o those.Any athentic book regarding imam AbuHanifah s' life... More
Alsalam, i heard in a fatwa that imam Albukhari died and some people thought he changed something in islam and thus no one prayed in his jinazah, is that true and why? what was the matter that he came up with? Jazakum Allahu kharen.. More
Who were the famous people As-Suddi and Adh-Dhahhaak whose names we find mentioned frequently in Tafseer literature? Who were some of their teachers and who were some of their students? Were they both based in Al-Koofah? .. More
Please tell us more about the famous Taabi'ee Shaykh Ibraaheem An-Nakh'i. Why An-Nakh'i? Who were some of his teachers? Who were some of his students? Are there any books today in which his teachings have been recorded?.. More
I want know Faqih Abu Al-Layth Samarqandi he is Sufi or Salafi Sunni? .. More
Were Ibn Hajar Asqalani and Imam Nawawi followers of Ash'ari Aqeedah? If so did they propagate it? There are many Ash'arees nowadays who use that as a justification to continue to follow the Ash'ari Aqeedah. .. More
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