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asalmu alaykum.1.How many wives did Al Hasan Ibn ali(Ra) have??2.The most detestable of lawful things near Allah(swt) is talaq(ibn mazah)-is this authentic narration??
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Assalaamu alaykum. My question is whether women can reach perfection in faith as did Maryam (the mother of Jesus, peace be upon him), Aasiyah (the wife of Fir‘awn [Pharaoh]), Khadeejah (the wife of the Prophet,sallallahu ʻalayhi wa sallam), and Faatimah (his daughter). Also, can you give me ways on how to perfect one's faith and become like them;.. More
How did Yazeed bin Muʻaawiyah die? How did ʻUbaydullaah ibn Ziyaad die?
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Who was Noor Ad-Deen Zangi?
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Assalaamu alaykum. Who was Luqman? Can you send me some of his wise sayings? Thank you.
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Who was Malik Muzaffar ud din who started mawlid in sunnis? I have heard that he was brother in law of Sultan Salah al-Din Ayubi. could you please quote some ullema who are against him as again I have heard that Ibn Kathir and ad-Dahabi praised him. How can ullema praise an innovator
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Asallamu allekum. I am Muhammed Bashir from Nigeria , please I would like to know more about Haruna Rasheed and his contributions in islam propergation. Thanks
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As There has been a debate in India on the subject of Yazid to say May Allah Peace be upon him . Could you please explain us whether can we say or not . Thanks .. More
Many people criticize some callers to Islam such as ‘Amr Khaalid and Taariq Suwaydaan. What is your opinion? Please tell us the names of the scholars whom we can trust in religious matters... More
Assalmu Alikum, what is the consensus of the scholars on An-Najashi and Waraqa ibn Nawfal, are they considered Muslims? JAK.. More
Who was Salahuddin al-Ayyoobi?
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Can you give me a biography on Yazeed Ibn Muhallab ?.. More
Please tell me the first Muslim who conquered India and the date... More
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