What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on wearing amulets and other objects that people believe guard against the evil eye or envy? Under which kind of Shirk is wearing amulets classified? .. More
What is the Sharee'ah ruling on having a banquet that is prepared in the name of a certain righteous Wali (‘Ally’ of Allaah) where there is mixing between men and women and wastage? .. More
We have a large store and I fear it may be affected by an evil-eye or by magic for we have already encountered problems of that kind. How can we protect our store and machines? How can we use lote-tree leaves for that purpose? .. More
We have a maid whom we treat well but she has been stealing some of my belongings. She denies it every time and I am afraid that she may cast a magic spell on us because she is ill-mannered and malicious. What should we do? .. More
Does a delayed pregnancy without a medical reason indicate the effects of a magic spell? Is it permissible to seek the help of a specialist to undo the spell? .. More
What is the Islamic ruling on treating magic with lead? I went to a man who does Ruqyah (Quranic healing) with the Quran and he told me that I was under a spell. Consequently, he gave me pieces of lead on which he read Quranic verses and asked me to melt them over a fire until they become pure like silver... More
My wife has been suffering from distress, apathy and headache for one year. When she reads the Quran, she feels as if something is moving in her body and eyes. We performed the Shar‘i Ruqyah (Quranic treatment in accordance with the Sharee’ah) on her but without result. Once this is done her condition worsens in the first and second days, then,.. More
Please explain the Hadeeth where the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was asked by a man about the value of deeds if everything was predestined by Allaah the Almighty, and the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, told him that when Allaah created a slave for Paradise, he enabled him to observe the deeds of the people of Paradise, so.. More
From time to time I have strange feelings when I wake up. I hear the whirring of a fan and other sounds but I am unable to move, as if I am paralyzed, and I cannot open my eyes. Strange sounds mingle and I feel as if I am hanging in a place that I do not know. I scream but my voice is not audible. It has happened many times, which means these things.. More
There is a husband who insults Allaah the Almighty, drinks alcohol and does not establish prayer. However, he does not negate the prohibition of these actions. Rather, he utters the two testimonies of faith and acknowledges that he is a sinner. He also beats his wife and scolds her, but he loves her and does not want to leave her.
Therefore, is.. More