salam aleikum. I have heard from some sheikhs that its better to not be around people who have jinns inside them than to be around them, for once own security. Even if the person who dont have jinns listen everyday to sura al baqara and read the 3 sura in the night like our lovely prophet have teach us. is this true. and also i want to ask you in surat.. More
Can one stand up as a sign of respect when a non-muslim is to say the opening or closing prayer at an official programme/event? Standing up only and not closing the eyes or responding Amen to their prayers... More
Feeling Hopeless when hearing of the punishments... Salam, I am a revert muslim and I want to share with you my problem. I am a 20 yr old student studying in university. I converted to Islam not too long ago and I thought that I can agree of all of its percept morals and values. However, when I hear of the horrible punishments of Allah on non-muslims.. More
salam aleikum. i have one question about my friend. her ex husband who is not practising muslim and his family have make magic on her and she had one jinn inside her. she have tried to get help everywhere but after some time her cousins friend who is practising muslim helped her by making ruqiyah. she say she still have the jinn inside but its not strong.. More
Is it a false belief for a person to claim that punishment [in the Hereafter] will end and that Hell will perish? This contradicts the well-established texts of the Quran and the Sunnah. Please provide the answer with evidences... More
Many texts bear glad tidings that the Jews would be destroyed at the hands of Muslims in Palestine. Is this day near? What is the sign that this will happen? Will it be at the time of the Mahdi and the descent of 'Eesaa (Jesus), may Allaah exalt his mention? .. More
Will all those who do not embrace Islam enter Hell even if they perform good deeds? Please provide an answer quoting Quranic verses or Prophetic Hadeeths (narrations). .. More
Assalam o alaikum. i have long hair and i used to tie them by making a knot (without braiding) and securing the lower part with a band so that it didnt open or become loose. it was a very easy hairstyle to do but someone pointed out that making a knot in my hair is not good for me and i will have bad luck. they said something about magic and evil too... More
Celebrating Valentine's Days has become widespread amongst young ladies lately. This is a Christian festival, during which red clothes shoes are wore and red roses are exchanged. Kindly clarify the ruling on celebrating such festivals... More
We were surprised with an official circular in the department we work at stating that the following two dates ( 12/25 and 7/1) according to the Gregorian calendar, are considered as official yearly festivals. This is the first time something like this happens in our country, and I would like for you to clarify the Islamic ruling on this matter and.. More
Assalaamu alaikum, What is the ruling on muslims holding sponsored activites such as sponsored walking, sponsored silence and so on for charity? I'm asking because I was of the opinion that this falls under the category of imitating the kuffar, as this idea originated purely from them and they do outrageous thing all the under the name of charity.. More
is celebrating christmas Halal or Haram ? and is there a something about that in Quran and hadeeths ? and is the christmas tree is the same tree that the jew will hide behaind it running from muslims in the end of the days ? and is it Halal to have a christmas tree around in the home ? hope you will back me up with all that from Quran and hadeeths and.. More