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2842 fatwas

  • Each man will have two wives in Paradise

    assalamualykum, it is said when a men enters paradise 2 women will enter with him, what does it means? does it means his wife and hur. in paradise wont we live with our family,?men will stay with hur then what about his wife, plz expalin. allah hafiz.. More

  • Her husband wants to buy a visa to enter Saudi Arabia

    My husband is planing to immigrate from Canada to Arabie Saudi .one men promise him to help him for getting his visa and my husband will pay him for that . After getting his visa my husband will go their to look for a job or to start a small business .After that he will sponsor me .I don't know how long it will take .I love my husband a lot and it is.. More

  • The Hoor have a fair complexion and black eyes

    Assalam-o Alaykom wa rahmatollah wa barakatoh. Peace be upon the prophet, his family and companions. I have a question. Many people says that houris will be blue-eyed and blond. Is this true? Walaykom assalam... More

  • The essence of the soul is only known by Allaah

    Assalamu Alaykum, The holy Quran describes the soul as a matter of the unseen or "ghayb" when prophet Muhammad PBUH was asked about the soul. However, there are many sayings/ahadiths of the prophet PBUH that describe in detail what happens to the soul after death. How can we relate these two statements? Thank you.. More

  • The existence of the authentic Gospel before Islam

    Assalamu Alaykum, Before the advent of prophet Muhammad PBUH, there was a muslim sect following the correct teachings of Eesa PBUH (The original injil). Did the original uncorrupted gospel in its original language exist when Prophet Muhammad PBUH received his revelation? Thank you .. More

  • The Prophets of the children of Israel were following the Torah

    Assalamu Alaykom, Were the prophets that were sent to the people of Israel (the jews) between the advent of Moses PBUH and Esa PBUH given any holy book beside the Torah? Or did they just rule using the laws of the Torah? Thank you.. More

  • Women as the majority of the dwellers of Paradise

    I know that majority of hell-fire dwellers are women, but a daiya said that also in paradise mojority are women too, cause when a man enter paradise two women enter too, means 1/3 men and 2/3 women. if what he said is true, i want more details and hadiths that proove it. thank you... More

  • Why Allaah tests people although He knows their future actions

    Aselamu Aleykum brothers and sisters how is dawa now my question is why is Allah in the quran in sura mohamod verse @28-33 or around says "wela neblwa nekum hata nelemul mujahidune" meaning we will test you antill we know amoung you the people with sebr and those who are mujahidin. is not is Allah all knowing meaing knowing the future. my second question.. More

  • Why satan refused to obey the Command of Allaah

    I have a doubt about Satan's refusal to obey the command of Allah. Human beings defy Allah as most of them are doubtful. But,how Satan, as he might have seen the hell,defy Allah's commandment? or is it that, as he has been created of fire,it won't hurt him? Kindly clear my doubt... More

  • Signs to recognise Jesus at the end of time

    Asslamu Alaikum. May Allah grant you blessing and mercy to you and all the muslims. I really appreciate you helping people understand Islam better. I have one question how would the Muslims know the true Easa (alihi asslam) after the 1st major sign of Judgement day has occured. How would we know he is a fraud if someone claims to be Easa (alihi asslam)... More

  • Wants to leave Islam to Hinduism

    Reconverting to Hinduism or Zoroastrianism: I am a Balochi. Fortunately, I have been able to travel wide around the world and exposed to other cultures/religions, and have an avid interest in history. Due to the poor impression of Islam in the west, I am seriously contemplating of converting back to my ancestor's original religion of Hinduism or Zoroastrianis.. More

  • Every Messenger was sent with a Book

    Alsalamu Alaykom, Ther are around 315 messengers according to a hadith. 1- Was every messenger (rasul) sent with a holy book? What is the time when the first holy book was sent down? 2-Can a certain period of time have two different shari'as to two separate group of people? Thank you .. More

  • The location of Paradise now

    The Jehova witness asked me,where Jenah is found?-He is saying, it is this earth. For ur info. I know that, the question is dealt in shura Ibrahim ch.14 and shura Zumer ch.39 of the holly Quran- please answer me to be a in better position to answer him-may Allah bless you.. More

  • Eternity in Hellfire for the 72 deviant sects

    Alsalamu Alaykom, According to the prophet'S PBUH hadith, muslims will be divided into 72 sects, all will go to hell, except one which is ahl al sunnah and jama'a. 1- Does it mean that the other sects will remain in hell for eternity or will just receive some punishment in hell fire? 2- How many deviant sects do we know in this day? Please name some.. More

  • Incarnation and dying before time

    salam,in my country,they believe that if someone died but,his time has not yet been reach,(he was kill,etc),the ghost is going to travel to another place,to start a new life there and if anybody that knew him before he died then see him,he will then dissapear question is that,should we muslims,believe in this? and also they believe that.. More