As Salam 'Alaykom, Tauhid is divided into three categories, Ar Rabubiyyah, Al Uluhiyyah and Asma was Sifat. When was Tauhid first categorized and who were the scholars that did it? Jazak'Allahu Khair.
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Asallam u alaikum, My daughter 16 year old had to study a book for her English exam called 'Lord of the flies' about some boys stranded on an island and how they try to survive there. She had to do some coursework on the book and didn't have a choice. If it contains some bad things like the boys are scared of an imaginary beast in the story and they.. More
Asallam u alaikum, In answer to the question about a teacher who went to the sikh gurdwara on an educational I need some more information please. There were muslim children on the trip and I work with one disabled 4 year old muslim child as I am the childs' helper. I told her afterwards that we don't do this we worship Allah and we are muslim. Do I.. More
Asallam u alaikum A helper in a uk school who sometimes photo copies work sheets for the children was asked by the class teacher to photo copy words connected with christmas like 'tree' 'santa' 'christmas' etc. They said ok but they had no intention on doing it and to get out of it said they were busy with other things so the teacher did it themselves... More
Salamu alaykum Shaykh Did Imam Ahmad and the Salafs, had maked taw'il, on this ayah's: “Do they wait except that Allah should come to them in the shade of clouds along with the angels.” [2:210] And: “Do they wait except that the angels should come to them or your Lord should come or some of the signs of your Lord should come.” [6:158] And: “And.. More
As a Muslim we believe in Kala & Qadr from Allah. Also we believe Natural disasters such as Volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc are from Allah to punish wrong doers as mentioned in the Qur'an 29:40. One Muslim family in Sri Lanka became atheist after 2004 Tsunami. the reason they give is Allah is punishing wrong doers is OK, but how.. More
Some break makers and other manufacturers of construction materials print the initial letter of their names in their products , for example if their name is Abul Hai or Mohamad Wali they print AH or MW . these products while bearing the abbreviation or the initial letter of the name of الله جل جلاله or the name of prophet محمد صلي.. More
what Ibn Hajar Haytami said in Fatawa Hadeethiya page 342 answer to the question no. 118, and Manawi in Faydh al Qadeer 3/400 no. 3700, and Abu Bakar bin Tahir as quoted by Qadhi Iyaad in Ash-Shifa regarding the meaning of the hadeeth "Your deeds are presented to me. I f they are good, I express my gratitude to Allāh, and if the deeds are not good,.. More
Assalamualaikum warahmatulahi wabarkatahu sheikh i read that certain shuyookh did takfeer on the Ottoman Caliphate examples: 1.Abd ar Rahmaan ibn ‘Abd al Lateef ibn ‘Abdillah ibn ‘Abd al Lateef Aal ash-Shaykh 2.shaykh Sulaymaan ibn Sahmaan 3.Shaykh ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abd al Lateef 4.Shaykh Sulaymaan ibn ‘Abdillaah ibn ash Shaykh 5.'Imam' Sa’oed.. More
Salam alaikum Can a child gives evil eye? My 9 yr old son said to me that he hope that I n my husband will get divorce. He said this after I rebuked him for being rude to me. After this my husband n I had an argument. My son noticed I'm not talking to my husband n he said " I hope u get divorce and I'm going to live with my daddy(my husband). That same.. More
Assalaamu 3alaikum, I have a very important question.. My friend wants proof from the Quran that Islam is the last religion. So I quoted him this verse "Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is Allah , of all things, Knowing." Now he wants proof from the Quran that.. More
Aslamualakaum there is a hadith in muslims that says that towards the end of time, whips will talk, can you please explain this. i seen somone linking it to phones, but can you please expalin
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Can a person's evil eye transform into jinn? If possible, what exactly happens? Can the person who's affected by the evil eye become possessed?
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As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. In the area of United states where I live, their are no Islamic institutions that are upon the Manhaj of the Salaf for our family to attend. For this reason I have tried, for many years, to get my husband to move. I know several sisters and their husbands who have already done so to a particular community,.. More