What is the ruling on seeking help from the dead, knowing that I am fully aware of the fact that Allaah The Almighty alone is the Benefit-Giver and the Harm-Inflictor. I also know that neither the living nor the dead can bring about harm or benefit except with the permission of Allaah The Exalted?.. More
Is it true that the Sharee'ah penalty code cannot be applied in a multi-religion country, even if Muslims rule and represent 85% of the population? Some scholars maintain this ruling. .. More
Is there a certain supplication in the Sunnah of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, that is used in making Ruqyah for the patient suffering from tumors?.. More
As salam wa alaikum We stay in India. during kuffar festivals they give gifts/bonus to the employee. Is it ok to accept them? especially sometimes they give gifts like goldcoins with pictures of theire gods/godeses. what todo about such gifts can we melt these coins to destroy the imeges & use the money or give the money in charity? what about.. More
Do the Ahlus-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa'ah (the mainstream Sunni Muslims) believe that a Muslim who deals in Ribaa (usury or interest) will be in Hell forever? What about Muslim women who do not dress according to the Islamic dress code, or Hijaab, and Muslims who stop praying? .. More
Please would you kindly explain the Hadeeth which says that Allaah The Almighty will bring out of Hell by virtue of His mercy some people who never did a good deed except saying the two testimonies of faith. Did these people not perform prayer? If they did, how could it be said that they never did a good deed? Is it required that these people should.. More
Some diseases are treated through the beautiful names of Allaah The Almighty. Would you please clarify the method of treatment in this regard?
May Allaah reward you... More
As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum,
In my country people believe in something called "Taabi‘ah" (a female Jinn) which is something like a bad omen where a person is constantly subjected to certain calamities such as accidents. Some people claim that they are able to expel this Taabi‘ah. Does this actually exist? Did it exist at the time of the Prophet,.. More
What is the origin of the man who has black skin? Did his skin become black due to the heat of the sun as the West claims, or did Allaah the Almighty create him as such and is there Divine Wisdom behind this?.. More
I am a 30-year-old woman and I had a miscarriage during the first two months of pregnancy. Will the miscarried fetus intercede on my behalf on the Day of Resurrection? Is there an accepted supplication in this regard? .. More