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2843 fatwas

  • Allah Is Free from Every Deficiency

    Is it true that Allah increase in power and train his power every day?. .. More

  • Suspects Her Mother Affected Her With Evil Eye

    Is it possible that a mother could give her daughter evil eye through angry stares? Suppose if a mother always stares at her daughter and appears to have negative thoughts while doing so, is it likely she is giving nazar? The daughters life always falls apart when in the mothers house but felt good when she was apart living with another relative and.. More

  • Wisdom in Allah Afflicting His Slaves

    Salaam Alaykum wa rahmatullâh. Bismillâh. This is a question that I have thought about at times. I hope the answer will expand my knowledge - in shaa Allâh. We know of course that Allâh forgives all sins if one repents to Him. But I also read that Allâh afflicts His servants with trials so they may get cleansed for their sins. Why are trials needed.. More

  • Posting Images of The Cross on Social Media

    what is the ruling on posting image of cross or making image of cross one's display picture in social media?. Could it be an act of disbelieve?. .. More

  • Jinn Causing OCD: Not Certain

    Assalamualikum, Is it possible for the jinn to cause Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) ? Also is exorcism(ruqyah) a 100 percent method of detecting jinn pocession? .. More

  • Limits Governing Interaction With Non-Muslims

    Assalamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu. I have a question concerning non-muslims at school. 1. Is it permissible to do the homework of a kaafir teacher that told you to do it? 2. Is it permissible to explain something to a kaafir student (while being yourself a student) or he (the kaafir student) explains it to me. 3. Can we joke and talk with.. More

  • Obligations that a Muslim Has Toward Allah

    What are all of the obligations that a Muslim has toward Allaah? Other than the 5 pillars of Islam. What is required of a Muslim? .. More

  • Allah’s Ability Is Related to What Is Conceivable

    Is it correct that it is not possible for Allah to do the following:-create another God-lie or sin or oppress-adopt a son-make a rock that he cannot lift (because that is similar to asking, Can Allah be deficient)? .. More

  • Befriending a Non-Muslim for Worldly Benefit Is Not Disbelief

    Aoa sir, I wanted to ask one question. I have a non-Muslim friend (Hindu) and I am really closer to her. She's not like other Hindus, she actually helped me to go near Allah. By providing good Quranic material. I read one ayat which says you cannot have non Muslim friends like really close. AM I GOING TO BE A DISBELIEVER IF I YET HAVE HER IN MY LIFE.. More

  • Draw Lots to Change Major

    Assalamualikum, I have a question regarding a policy in my college. As a a college student I would like to switch my major. In order to do so I have to take certain courses. After taking these courses I am then put in a lottery in which students are randomly select.ed to be able to switch majors. I would like to know if this lottery is considered gambling.. More

  • Karaamaat; Supernatural Abilities

    Alsalamu Alaykum, I am confused about the matter of karamas for awliya and transgression in dua. On one hand, the scholars say it is not permissible to ask for something impossible as that is transgression, and on the other I have heard that it is ok because some awliya of Allah have impossible things happening to them. For example, if a teen asks Allah.. More

  • Reciting Al-Faatihah as Ruqyah

    Assalamualikum, Is it allowed to place the hand over the part of the body where there is pain or a disease and recite Surah Al-Fatiah as a mean of cure? .. More

  • Putting A Book Containing The Name of Allah In An Impurity

    Is it kufr to put book containing hadeeth or one of the names of Allah or one of the name of prophet in impurity? .. More

  • Avoiding Recitation of Quran Due to Shyness

    Salamualikum! Hope you can clarify my confusion . I want to ask about to what extent does fearing people become shirk . They say that : if you fear people and stop you good deeds when people are not there is shirk . Such type of incidents happen with me . Example : The masjid where I go , sometimes I go before azan . I was sitting and waiting for iqamah.. More

  • She Wishes to Be Afflicted

    Asalamunaleykum, I am 17 years old and i am someone, who lost her iman 7 months ago and repented. I was watching a video on Youtube today and the scholar mentioned that Allah tests and gives difficulties to people he loves and the more he loves someone the more this person will face difficulties. As I did not have to experience losses and bad things.. More