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2840 fatwas

  • Ruling on saying ‘Hallelujah’

    Can Muslims use the word 'Hallelujah' in their conversation? It means 'Praise for God'. I heard that it stems from Jewish tradition. Does that affect the ruling? .. More

  • Narration about Europeans embracing Islam at end of time

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is there any hadith that indicates that Europeans will convert to Islam near the End of Time? .. More

  • All people equal in Paradise

    Assalaamu alaykum. There are different ethnic groups, such as Arabs, Germans, Indians, Chinase nationals, Somalis, Pakistanis, and so on, in this world. Will these ethnic differences be present in Paradise also? .. More

  • Most miserable man on earth who will enter Paradise

    I have questions about the man that had the most miserable life of all Muslims. There will be a man, as described in the hadith of the inhabitants of paradise, who will be dipped in paradise once, and it will be as if he never experienced any hardship at all. Now, my question is: who can this man be? I mean, the Prophets endured the most hardship; from.. More

  • Color of Houris of Paradise

    At-Tabari (d. 310/923; Tafseer, xxiii, 37) reports that Ibn Zayd believes that ostrich eggs are meant here, concluding that their color is a yellowish white. The exegete Mujahid ibn Jabr (d. 104/722; At-Tabari, Tafseer, xxvii, 102; Ibn Katheer, Sifa, 110 f.) explains the allusion to a yellowish hue by asserting that the virgins of paradise are created.. More

  • Believers who sinned will not abide in Hellfire eternally

    Assalaamu alaykum. There is a brother named Burhan who issues the fatwas at, he said, “Nowhere in the Quran is it mentioned that one who is condemned to Hell ire, will be taken out after some time! Beloved brother in Islam, the truth is there are indeed a few hadiths recorded which state that some believers who had faith, but.. More

  • Sinner does not necessarily hate Allah

    Assalaamu alaykum. I was wondering; if someone loves sin in their heart and hates Allaah, like a serial killer, but he nevertheless believes in Him and agrees with everything that Allaah says while not caring about that, so he believes that halal is halal and haram is haram but does not apply that, is he a disbeliever or not? .. More

  • Revert wife forced to apostatize

    My wife and I got married two years ago. She reverted to Islam, but now her family have been hiding her from me. After 100 days, they forcefully made her return to Hinduism just because they want to dissolve the marriage given that the court can dissolve the marriage according to law 1933, which states that if the man is Muslim and the woman is Hindu,.. More

  • Doubts regarding Kufr through inappropriate supplication

    If a Muslim was unaware of what Shirk (associating partners with Allaah) means once while praying and misunderstood a hadith about God loving us like 70 mothers to be the same as Him loving us like children and invoked him as saying that we are like His children by mistake, and then as soon as he learned that the Christians commit Shirk with Him in.. More

  • Muslim must be proud of religion and its rituals

    Assalaamu alaykoum, Shaykh. In general terms, I do not care about the disbelievers. Sometimes, however, when I meet people whom I grew up or studied with (before becoming a practicing Muslim), I feel ashamed when I meet them in a completely different state; as a practicing Muslim with a beard and so on. Is that a sign of weak faith or hypocrisy? .. More

  • Eclipse has no effect on babies born on its day

    Assalaamu alaykum. Are there any bad consequences for the child born on the day of an eclipse? Is there any bad thing if a husband & wife intercourse on the day of eclipse? Is it true that if a child is born on the day of an eclipse, he could have some physical defect? .. More

  • What is considered hypocrisy and what is not

    Please explain in detail about hypocrisy. Is it hypocrisy if a person hides and controls his feelings of anger for someone and rather shows respect and gratitude? Or should one be loud and expressive about his negative feelings for someone, saying that he cannot be a hypocrite and will definitely speaks his heart out? Also, please explain if it is advised.. More

  • Ruling on person who causes another to curse Islam

    Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I know that I have submitted quite a few questions to this site, but I only have one more question, and if this question gets answered, then the amount of stress that would be removed from my life is huge. My question is very simple. Please, I have searched the net tirelessly for an answer, and I have gone and looked at your.. More

  • Mermaids do not exist

    Assalaamu alaykum. Do mermaids exist? I saw some fatwas that said that they do exist. Can you please clarify, Allaah willing. .. More

  • Speaking to Satan and animals and stones

    What is the ruling on speaking with a devil, animal, stone, or a person who might be present? What I mean with the first is, if a man wants to pray and says loadly or silently in his heart, "I will pray and you (satan) will not prevent me from it." What I mean with the second is saying to an animal, "O such-and-such, you are so cute," or calling the.. More