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2840 fatwas

  • Attending Hindu pooja rituals

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. I am from India. In our schools, colleges, institutions, and organizations, any programme is started by doing some pooja (a kind of worship to idols). We as students or employees are made to attend or sometimes even stand along with other peoplewhile they do the pooja. We have to do that unwillingly, but we do recognize.. More

  • Description of Houris

    Assalaamu alaykum. I sent you a question (2612148) regarding a hadith that says that Houris have large, round breasts that are not inclined to dangle (Jami At-Tirmidhi vol. 2 p. 35-40). I found that on internet and Wikipedia (HOURI). I downloaded the complete Tirmidhi (from, but I could not find it there. As a common man, I am unable to.. More

  • Earlier generations of Muslims have better understanding of Islam

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is this hadith authentic, and what does it mean if it is? "The later generation of Muslims will have a better understanding of Islam than the first." .. More

  • Only scholars may declare Muslim to be disbeliever

    Assalaamu alaykum. It is said in a hadith that if anyone calls another person a kaafir (disbeliever), then if the person is not kaafir, the man who called him kaafir will become kaafir. On the other hand, it is said that if anyone doubts about any kaafir, then he will become kaafir. Then how should a common muslim judge who is kaafir? .. More

  • Attending ceremony where Bible, Tripitak and Gita will be recited

    I recently got an award for something. My problem is that the ceremony where this award will be handed out to me will start with people reciting from the Holy Quran, the Bible, The Tripitaka and the Gita. This award will be important for me when I apply to universities, and not receiving this award may also cause problems for me at school. What should.. More

  • Two different usages of word 'eemaan'

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am taking knowledge from a student of knowledge online. He said something that confused me, and now wonder whether he is reliable. He said that imaan (faith) is linked to the word ameen (used in 95:3), meaning secure. He said either (not sure which one) that this is one of the linguistic meanings of this word or that it is the root... More

  • Explaining how faith includes actions

    Asslaamu alaykum. There is something that I am confused about. I heard that Ahl As-Sunnah (the People of the Sunnah) say that imaan (faith) also includes actions. But what is the evidecne for this? Allaah uses the word imaan for prayer in the Quran, so, yes, we include that, and it is known that not praying is kufr (disbelief), but I see people using.. More

  • Wisdom behind judging all of mankind on one single day

    Assalaamu alaykum Brother. I was just wondering why God will judge all of us at the same time when everyone is dead. Why does He not send us to heaven or hell and judge us as soon as we die instead of doing everyone on the Day of Judgement, if you know what I mean? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Wisdom behind afflictions to animals

    Assalaamu alaykum. Could you tell us how to respond to people who ask why Allaah gave diseases to animals while they do not sin nor go to paradise? In the comments, some atheists were challenging that if Allaah is merciful, then why give diseases and pain to animals while they do not sin nor go to paradise. How to respond to them? May Allaah reward.. More

  • Financial transactions with apostate

    I asked about accepting a gift from an apostate and it has been answered, but what if the case has not reached the judge in order to declare him an apostate and I rebuked that person but he refused to listen, can a gift from him be accepted? Secondly, if I lend that person money after his apostasy, can I accept the money if he pays it back? Meaning,.. More

  • Story about lotus tree is myth

    There is a common saying/belief here in Kashmir regarding the lotus root stem. Lotus root stem (nadru in the Kashmiri language) is eaten here as food and has fibres. The belief is that Faatimah, may Allaah be pleased with her, supposedly threw some fibre from her spinning wheel into water, and that it is therefrom that fibres grew into the lotus stem... More

  • Difference between Al-Firdaws and Al-Waseelah

    How many degrees are there in Paradise, and what is difference between Al-Firdaws and Al-Waseelah (a degree that is attained only by our Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ʻalayhi wa sallam,Allaah willing)? Is Al-Waseelah in Al-Firdaws. .. More

  • Ruling on whether most of Dajjaal's followers are women

    Is it true that the Dajjaal's (anti-Christ) followers are mostly females? .. More

  • Whether Allaah named all the Prophets

    Is it true that Allaah named all the prophets; like, no man was named Muhammad before Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, orAbraham before Abraham, may Allaah exalt his mention, and Noah Before Noah, may Allaah exalt his mention? Is that true? Please tell me what the meaning is of all the Prophets' names? .. More

  • Clearing confusion about statement by Ibn Al-'Arabi about kufr

    Our Shaykh, we have send your answer (fatwa number: 2604615) to some brothers, but they accuse us of lying about this statement of Qaadhi Abu Bakr Ibn Al-'Arabi's being about major kufr (disbelief) and major shirk (polytheism). They have send us this text in which they pretend that Al-Qasimi says that this is about kufr dune kufr (minor kufr) and not.. More