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Hijra dates are being observed in different Gregorian Calendar Days in different parts of the World. But the Universal time difference is only 24 Hours for a day. All other Calendars show Day & Date as same all over the World, except for the time difference of24 Hours. Then How come this difference in Hijra Dates alone ?. Some scholars argue that.. More
Which year starting hijara calebdar
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What is special about the month of Rajab? How authentic are the hadiths stating that actions are raised to Allah in this month? .. More
What are the events that happened in the month of Muharram?.. More
why is muharram ul haram is called muharram ul haram? what is importance of this mnth? .. More
Assalamu 'alaikum! My doubt is regarding the Islamic months. As the Prophet (upon him be peace) taught us to use the Islamic months, but, today the Gregorian calendar is in use, among Muslims and non-Muslims. Is it wrong to use the Gregorian Calendar? Is it allowed in Islam? It is mentioned in Quran that the number of months with Allah are twelve and.. More
I would like you to give me a definition of the Sacred Months. What are they? Are rewards and sins multiplied during these months?.. More
1. I would like to know if anything significant happened in the months of Dhul-Qa’dah and Dhul-Hijjah in the time of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam).
2. What is your opinion regarding the earthquake in Iran? Is it a test or warning from Allah? I look forward to hearing from you. .. More
Why did Allah choose the months of the Dhul-Q'idah, Muharram, Dhul-Hijjah and Rajab as sacred months and not one of the other months?
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I want to know the months of the Islamic calendar... More
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