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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykhs,is it true that one should not live in Makkah, that one should perform Hajj or ‘Umrah and leave? Is there any authentic hadith on this subject? May Allah reward you.
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. What are the special virtuous deeds that I can do in Makkah and Madeenah? I will be going for ‘Umrah, Allaah willing. My second question is that I heard that one unit of prayer in Makkah equals 1000 in other places. Is this only for the obligatory prayers, or both both the obligatory and the voluntary.. More
What are the names Makkah and Madeenah derived from? What do they mean?
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Assalaamu alaykum. There are many verses in the Quran and many hadiths that say that Makkah is a secure and safe place. However, in history, we see that there has been some violence in Makkah, and even if in the future, there will be attacks, so how should we interpret these verses then? I mean, how is one to interpret these verses about the security.. More
I live in Jeddah, but I have to travel to Riyadh or Dammam, for example, because of my work, and sometimes I have to travel outside Saudi Arabia for different periods of time that may reach up to a week. What should I do when I want to perform prayer at Al-Masjid Al-Haraam after my return?.. More
Assalaamualaikum- During the caliphate of Hadrat Umar (ra) if anybody would stay at makkah after the completion of Hajj, he would be slashed and punished as a crime for staying. I want to know for what was the wisdom behind this punishment as certainly there must be some genuine reason? Awaiting for your respond... More
Shaik if a person passed away during the journey of haj or umra and buried in mecca will get a higher reward. but what about other people will they get any special reward because of he buried in mecca? i have heard people are requesting that they want to be bury in mecca... More
Assalamu Alaykum,
Is Makkah the best and holiest place on earth in the sight of God?
Thank you.. More
What is the significance of Jannat-ul-Baqee' in Islam? Please also specify, if there are any benefits for the dead souls who are buried in there? .. More
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