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I live in a non-Islamic country (England). Every time I answer the phone I always say "Salaam". However, I was told recently that it is not permissible for me to do so, since many of the people phoning are English. Many ignore the saying and carry on as per usual; however, some do know how to reply and do so. Should I continue to say "Salaam" or not?.. More
Can a female shake hands with her father in-law (her husband's father) when she greets him?.. More
Recently I visited a Fatawa website. In response to a question the mufti stated it is permissible to shake hands with non-Mahrems, if it is done without desire. I have never read anything in the Hadith that state such. Can you please throw light on this matter?.. More
Is saying "Allah Hafiz" allowed when we are leaving? In Pakistan, it is very common practice, and if some one says al-Salamu Alaikum when we are leaving, it is considered awkward. So I want to know if it is allowed to say "Allah Hafiz" instead of al-Salamu Alaikum?.. More
After hand shaking, somebody put their hand toward their chest and some people don't do this. Please kindly tell me which action is correct according to Qur'an and Sunnah?.. More
If anybody ask me "How are you?" then how should I reply?.. More
If any body sends me Salam or greeting, then how should I reply?.. More
Is it allowed to shake hands with women if you are out side your country with people who do not know Islam? I travel to Europe and I meet non-Muslim women and when I did not shake hands with them once they thought it is personal and I am afraid that they will have a bad idea about Islam. I asked about this issue and I have been told that if they started.. More
Is it Bidah or Sunnah to let the person on your right side to enter the door?Is it Bidah or Sunnah to shake hands from your right hand side onwards when you are shaking hands with a group of people?.. More
1. Is it allowed in Islam to bow one’s head to honor the national anthem of any country including Islamic country? If it is allowed, what's the logic behind it?
2. What are the important things to do in Ramadan and what are the prohibited ones? Who is eligible to pay Zakat?
3. One of my friend lends money on interest, how should I act toward.. More
Is salam in the bathroom permitted or Haram?
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