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In a BDSM role play ( slave-master) is it shirk to bow down to the other person as a form of a sexual gratification? ( I wont go in detail as to why a person would do that, as the fetish can be looked on online, it is a well known fetish) The person knows that there is no God but Allah and fully accepts it.I think this is a popular fetish and there.. More
If I watch a video about Islam and the person says assalamu ‘alaykum to the viewers, which includes me, is it obligatory to return the greeting, even though it is just a video and they cant hear me?
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I was wondering what the ruling on using the word “ciao” is. The word ciao originally came from another language, where it was used as “s-ciao su”. The meaning of it originally was “I am your slave” but it has gone through a great change and is used to say goodbye in numerous languages. I speak one of these languages with my family, and.. More
Assalamu alaykum.How can i give up bowing in a country where it is their mode of greeting and the person in question interacts with professors,lectures,the rich,family members etc?
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I heard someone on a video say that Ibn al Qayyim said that greeting with gestures is forbidden because this is imitating the disbelievers. 1.) Is this true? 2.) if yes, then is it forbidden to greet with gestures such as hand waves and head nods?
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatu Llahi wa barakatu.1 i read in some fatwes when a muslim meet his brother he shoud not kiss him because it is not from sunna but only tighten his hand ( Is it True?). I want know if these position is the same for relatives: when i meet my grandmother or grandfather, aunt, uncle, ecc can i kiss or embrace him or her? 2 when i.. More
If a Muslim is kneeling towards their country's flag is this consider as shirk?
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Assalaamu alaykum. In Japanese and Chinese culture, one has to bow down before his boss or superior. In Islam, however, it is haram to bow down before anybody other than Allah. What if we can make a way out? For example, if somebody just makes a gesture like slightly bending his back in front, suppose maximum 20 degrees, without bowing his head, which.. More
I have some brief questions about the Salaam greeting:
1- If someone visits my home and says the Salaam but I do not want to accept him (for some reason), can I return the Salaam quietly?
2- If someone says the Salaam and he is far away (like by using sound system or mic) and no one answers him while even if I answer him, he will not hear it,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. My question has to do with responding to the Salaam greeting:
1) According to the Sunnah, if you are in a prayer and somebody greets you with the Salaam, you should answer by either raising your palm, raising your index finger, or nodding. My question is: what if the praying person is in the bowing position or in Tashahhud, or.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I may be travelling to Asia next year and learn about their history, which can expand one's knowledge. The country which I am most interested in is North Korea, which is beautiful, and it is actually safe for visitors. However, there are potentional problems there. According to the tour group, it says that if you visit Pyongyang,.. More
Is there any restriction or is it disliked to give the Salaam greeting to a drug addict Muslim or a Muslim who does very big sins openly? One of our local imams mentioned it recently at the time of discussing the benefit of giving the Salaam in Islam.
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Assalaamu alaykum. Is greeting any Muslim with the Salaam or supplicating for them when we want a favor from them a kind of showing off?
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In Turkish culture, one kisses the back of someone's hand to show respect. First he kisses the back of the person's hand, and then he he touches his forehead with it. Is this permissible? I read that it is permissible, but is this true? Should we warn the common people from taking advice from someone who says this?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I have 2 questions:
1. If I hear someone give the Salaam greeting to another person (not me), do I have to answer it? For instance, if I hear a stranger say the Salaam to a person beside him (not me), and I am nearby, should I answer it too (in case the person did not answer his Salaam)?
2. Is saying "jeez" sinful? As we know,.. More
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