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Hello. I am interested to know, has anyone exept our Prophet Muhammad
been touched in a dream by Allaah? Is that even possible? Did anyone dream of Allaah in any form that Allaah touches him in a dream? Is that possible? Thank you.
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I read that you are not held accountable for what you dream. But what about lucid dreaming? Are you accountable for sins committed then?
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Assalamu alikum, I was reading something that was saying that many people have seen royaa (good dreams that are from Allah subhanahu wa taala) specifying a certain year to be the year in which Islam is going to be victorious. I didn't read that thing carefully, so I just skimmed it, and I got very happy about what it was claiming and I started imagining.. More
Asalamu alaikum sheikh , I want to ask you . I always feel I love someone I dont know who is he I never talk a guy even I didnt date a guy (i know date is haram) . I feeling always I love someone deeply even sometimes I dream I am with him n have kids n live beautiful and happily married life (i call him my husband in dreams when I recall it in the.. More
Assalmualaikum. Sheikh is it true that shaykh ibn taymiyyah would answer complex fiqh issues after his death (ref kitaab ruh hafidh ibn qayyum)
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This is in reference to Fatwa 23970. It didn't answer my question. My question was if Prophet (sallaho alayhi wassalam) can say something that goes against Islaam or something wrong, in someones dream (bearing in mind that the person indeed saw Prophet (sallaho alayhi wasallam)
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A senior person sees a bad dream about 3 young people of his/her family; He/she narrates it unfortunately. Two of those young people suffer severely in their marital life. The third is going to get married now. What should he/she do to avoid any 'shar'.
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Salam alaikum. May Allah reward you. My question is : some of my dreams i see came true and I often told my family about it. There are two dreams I had in regards to my mom and sisters one I saw in ramadan . My parents and siblings considered themselves Muslims but they never pray. I gave them dawah but they still the same. Should I tell them about.. More
Assalmu Alaykum, How does the jinn known as Incubus or Jathoom attack humans during their sleep? Does he take an animal form and chokes the person (external attack) or does he affect him through his dreams (enters the body as a demon possession)? Jazakum Allah khayran
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Does the awaited Mahdi already exist? One of the scholars on a TV channel interpreted a dream as evidence of the birth of Al-Mahdi. Is this interpretation true?.. More
I am depressed and sad. What should I do to drive these feelings away? What can I do so that I can see the Prophet, sallaallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, in my dreams? I saw him four years ago and it has not happened again since... More
Is it true that Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, may Allaah have mercy upon him, saw Allaah The Almighty in a vision? If yes, was the text of the conversation he had with Allaah The Exalted reported in the books of Sunnah? .. More
Is it permissible to dream about women?.. More
Assalammualaikum a man had a dream, then he tell his friend about it, and his friend interpreted that he's gonna be dead in 3 days, and the interpretation will surely happens. is this true?.. More
I saw a dream. In the dream I was looking out the window and the sun had risen from the west. The night had turned into morning. I don’t remember very clearly. I just know that it was time and the sun had risen from the west and that from that time no more of my sins were going to be forgiven. Is this a sign for me from ALLAH [swt]? Also, if.. More
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