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I want to ask a question about dreams. Since the beginning of this year I have been have gay sexual dreams that I don't like. they always come and go but there was a time it came too close so I prayed very hard for them to stop they stop from about two months only but then something happened last month I started having different sexual dreams that I.. More
I sometimes get wet dreams about being involved in some homosexual activity, It irritates me the whole time having such dreams and I really dislike it and feel disgusted .What should I do?
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Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. Many times I get images when I close my eyes and relax. Today when going to work in the bus I got images and I said I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed satan. But the images still kept comming. Sometimes I get images of women. Is this in the capacity of the jinn?
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As-salaamu 'alaykum.I have read that the dreams of Prophet peace be upon him are all truth.In surah 8:43 Prophet peace be upon him saw the army of Abu Jahl few in number, but there where much bigger. Can you please explain it, beacuse seems like contradiction?Jazakallah
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What are the signs to know that someone has seen Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam in dream? How to verify that someone has seen him [Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam] in dream?
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Asalam Walaikum. I am 25 years old unmarried Muslim girl. I recently had a dream where I am getting engaged to an unmarried man in a blessed house which belongs to my family currently. Since I am unmarried right now I needed help in interpreting this dream. I tried searching online for answers but couldn't find any proper answers. Hence I am writing.. More
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, When I go to bed and close my eyes sometimes I get images eventhough I am awake. Also I get dreams as if in real life typically as sleeping. For example in my dream I see the things from where I am sleeping, initially when it first happened I was just kid and thought that it wasn't a dream because when you.. More
Hope you're doing well.
Basically, there is someone from my family who is interested to marry me, he has even spoken to his parents but his parents do not agree due to false rumors about me. i performed an istekhara, i get a dream at night where there is a white cloth and its floating in the air and there are 2 more people in the room,.. More
AsalamuAllahkum Some days before around 3-4days ago i saw a dream someone is trying to do sexual harass me bt whn i try to call upon people no one gets able to hear me later after 1-2 days i saw a dream of owning a flat n thn 3 unknown mens were trying to rape me bt somehow i managed to escape n again no one hears my voice n worst part was on the same.. More
There's a Muslim saw Allah in their dream in His light form. Does it mean that Muslim is religious?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I saw my deceased father in a dream today, and he asked me to pay rs 900 to the mango vendor. I do not know which vendor it is in this case. Is there any alternative way I can pay off his debts to free him from Hellfire? Regards.
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Salam. I am presenting this question to clarify. Is it permissible for a woman who is covered from head to toe (including the eyes, but not her hands) to demonstrate in a video what occurred in her dream to a male student of knowledge given that the shape/size of her ‘Awrah (what should be covered of the body) appears due to putting a cloth around.. More
Salam. My friend, who is a few years older than me, and I planned yesterday that we should see each other today at 8AM for me to help her on her English. Last night, my grandma felt uneasy about me leaving. Then this morning, around 7:30 AM, my aunt approached me and told me that my grandpa who passed away in 2013 came into her dream and asked me, “Where.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Is it possible to see Hoor in a dream?
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Hello. I have read articles on your website that say that only specialists can interpret dreams. So my question is: how does one become a skillful dream interpreter so that he has Islamic qualifications to interpret them?
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