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I made a vow that I would fast five days each month if my father recovered from his illness. That was two years ago. I observe fasting as I had vowed, but sometimes I cannot fast, given that I did not fix a time limit for my vow. What is the ruling in this case? What should I do if I cannot fulfill my vow?
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I made a vow to Allah, the Exalted, to fast a whole month, but I want to feed poor people instead. Please note that I am able to fast. Is it permissible for me to do so?
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Is it permissible for me to take a vow to fast a day as an expression of gratitude to Allah, the Exalted, if my wish is fulfilled, and, at the same time, intend this fasting to be a voluntary act of worship so that Allah, the Exalted, would accept my supplication and fulfill my wish? Should I fast that day before my wish is fulfilled so that it would.. More
I would like to consult you regarding a matter that is confusing me. After the first half of the Algeria vs. Egypt soccer match ended, I performed two rak‘ahs (units of prayer) and, afterwards, I inattentively stated that I would fast two successive months if our team won the match. We won the match, but now I am unable to fast those two months. An.. More
When my mother was about 14 or 15 years old, she witnessed her elder sister giving birth to her child. She panicked and said, "If my sister survives this delivery, I will fast four successive months." She was ignorant of many sharia rulings at that age. She hardly knew how to pray and recite the Fatihah (1st chapter of the Quran). My mother belongs.. More
I took a vow to pray in congregation under any circumstances, but sometimes I fail to do so because of work conditions. I may delay the prayers due to some circumstances that are beyond my control but perform them in congregation, if only with one of my co-workers. Are those prayers considered congregational prayers?
Thank you.
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I took a vow that if Allaah, the Exalted, blessed me with money, I would to give part of it in charity. I was blessed with money, but I am in dire need of it. Can I give only one-fourth of the vowed money and thus not bear any sin (for breaking my vow), or should I give the whole vowed money in charity even if it constitutes harm to me?
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My wife said to me, "I vow to slaughter a sheep if my pregnancy goes well," and I encouraged her. Does my encouragement for her vow constitute a binding vow on my part as well?
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What is the ruling on cancelling a conditional vow before the occurrence of the thing upon which the vow-taker conditioned his vow, knowing that the vow-taker swore an oath to fulfill his vow and even said, "I swore by Allah that if I did not fulfill this vow I would not enter Paradise"? I am afraid that I will not be able to fulfill the vow; should.. More
I am a married man and I have two daughters. Two years ago, we were living in a rented house, and my wife got very sick. I took a vow that I would slaughter a sacrificial animal if she recovered from her illness. My financial situation was very bad back then. After a while, the landlord asked us to leave the house as he intended to sell it. Gaza was.. More
I swore to fast one month successively if I were to masturbate, given that I swore to do so in order to oblige myself to give up masturbation. However, Satan, may Allah protect us from him, lured me into masturbation again. What is the ruling in this case? Should I fast (as expiation)?
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I made a vow that I would perform ‘Umrah when I get married, but I was not able to perform it; this was not because of financial considerations but because circumstances did not allow for it. I was not able to fulfill my vow for two years. My wife got pregnant in the third month, but had a miscarriage after two months and did not get pregnant again... More
My sister vowed to spend her first salary in charity throughout the year, giving a part of the salary in charity each month. Allah, the Exalted, blessed her with a job and she started fulfilling her vow for two months, but now she has the chance to complete her studies (and will have to quit her job). If she willingly quit her job in order to complete.. More
I said, "As long as I am healthy, I will perform four Rak‘ahs (units of prayer) in pairs after the Maghrib prayer," but I did not state it to be a vow. However, sometimes, I feel really exhausted, and I might be outdoors or in a hurry, and cannot perform them. What should I do? Should I perform the four Rak‘ahs instantly after the Maghrib prayer.. More
I vowed to Allah, the Exalted, to fast the three white days (the 13th, 14th and 15th of each lunar month) throughout my entire life, if He fulfilled my wish. Allah Almighty actually fulfilled my wish. I set some conditions for the vowed fasting. I stipulated that I would fast on the three white days, every month, unless I am expecting guests, throwing.. More
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