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First of all I'm confused about the differences between oaths, promises, and vows. In Qur'an it says that you should keep your promises (including promises made to God), but in some Hadiths it say that you shouldn't make vows. Please clarify this for me.
Secondly, the reason I asked the first question is that I made a promise to God that I would.. More
I am a Muslim girl living in Europe. I need your advice in the problem that I have last week I said to one of my friends if I discovered that M and I (it is 2 persons a male and female) married I swear on Allah (I said I swear 3 times) I will also marry F (a male who asked me for marriage). Within myself I promised God that for sure I would marry him.. More
What is a Muslim supposed to do if he is fasting for the expiation of his oath to Allah and during the last day of the three consecutive fast breaks his fast in the middle for no reason?
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If a Muslim makes a promise to Allah to stop a particular sin but repeats this sin and therefore breaks his promise to Allah, does the person have to make kafarah: and if so what is it? please give Qur'an or Sunnah as proof.
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My adult 13 year old daughter has sworn many times by god and she never fulfilled it. What will she do, fast or give money or am I allowed to pay for her?
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I am 19 years old. I have many problems: first, I did not pray on time yesterday. I took oath to never leave any prayer but I could not pray Isha at the specific time because I slept. I do not know what I should do. Should I fast three days or what?
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My mother has hypertension. She regularly takes medicine for it. One day she was very angry and she swore that she will no longer take the medicine for hypertension. But she has to take the medicine. I convinced her that she can take the medicine after making the kafara (expiation). How should she make the expiation? What are the different forms of.. More
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