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I have a sister who has been divorced for one year. After her edda period she married another person who doesn't pray salah without the knowladge of her {wali} Our father died and now I am her wali, she didn't inform me. I knew about her marriage after one month, because of that I cut relation with her for about one year. What is your advice to me,.. More
I have a sister who performs her prayers. I have some problems with her; first of all she does not respect me and second she listens to music despite of my advice to leave it because it's Haram. The most important problem is that she does not wear Hijab and she does not accept any conversation about this matter. That's why I have not spoken to her.. More
Is hate permitted? Is there a difference between hating the behavior of someone or the person himself?.. More
Dear Brother, I need and appreciate it if you can shed light on the following Hadith. I read a Hadith in Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 702 about Ka'b Bin Malik , the Sahabah who stood the test and trials by being boycotted by his fellow Sahabah and Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) until the decision from Allah to accept his repentance.. More
I have an elder brother. He doesn't offer Prayer. I've learnt that one must break ties with him who doesn't pray. So, what are the orders in Qur'an and Hadith for a person who doesn't offer prayer?
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I am a 15-year-old Arab Muslimah living in America. I would like to ask you some questions.First, I hang out with my Muslim friends (who are all girls) but they are not the best Muslims. From them I have learned to talk about others and swear too much. They are good girls, all around my age, but are obsessed with music and guys. I want to tell them.. More
What do you say of a man who is highly strict with his sisters to the extent that he ignores his sister for 5 months for speaking to other men who are just her colleagues? When he married he married a woman of disgusting morals who commits what is almost Haram, insane relationships with men and so on and he is aware of all that... More
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