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Assalamy alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu. What is excesiveness in Islam? How to know how much activity (be it religious or wordly) is too much? Is it a sin to do certain activities till your exhaustion?
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Salamalikum My question is very brief. I want to do something for Allah so he become Happy with me till my death. Every time I start something ( reading Islamic books or memorizing quran etc) I get lady after some time and cannot continue further. Please advise me.Jazak Allah
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Asalamalikum.I have a brief question. Can you recommend me some deeds so I can come close to Allah and attain Jannah in sha Allah.?Jazak Allah
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I get a lot of images of other gods when I pray salah. especially at the time of sujood What should I do now? Am I accountable for this? Am I committing shirk?
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Assalamalkam I’m struggling to fear Allah the Almighty properly I think. I pray, fast, try to read Qur’an and Hadith everyday, but some sins I have trouble leaving and I have trouble imaging the day of resurrection and the getting scared of Allah the Almighty’s punishment. Likewise I struggle longing for paradise I know I want to go there and.. More
Hi, I’m a new muslim, I have strong faith in Allah, I pray, and I read the Quran sometimes. This might sound bad, but I don’t feel connected to Allah like I did before. I’m actually praying more and trying to not to sin more than I did before so I don’t understand. Does this mean Allah doesn’t care about me?
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Dear sheikh may I kindly request you do not send me a link please. My question is, will I be rewarded if I tell my parents about the good deeds I have done in order to make them happy? Or should I not do this and conceal my good deeds from absolutely everyone?
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On the day of judgement Can a Muslim give a little good deeds to family or a non Muslim ? Can a person give good deeds to sinners For eg a friend who is a disbeliever ?
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Are we actually meant to enjoy our acts of worship? This is a foreign concept to me. How is one meant to enjoy prayer, and wudu?
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Assalamualikum, How can one naturally cry from the fear of Allah ( swt)?
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Assalaamu alaikum wa rohmatullohi wabarakaatuh! Dear Sheikh, is there any other deed expect jihaad fisablilillah that can guarantee jannaaah? May Allah (SWT) reward you with goodness!
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As salaamu alaikum,thank u for answering my previous question.i have a bad habbit of attracting men by looks and enjoying.this gives me very much pleasure.unconsciously this I want to stop this,but I am unable to find pleasure in any other thing,like in my children or husband or kitchen work.i am going mad,please help me ,how to get pleasure.. More
Will I go to Hell if I don't love Allah but only do my muslim duty (pray & fast) out of fear of Him? I hate that I was creates so I find it hard to love/be grateful to Him, but I also do not want to go to Hell.
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Shaykhs,is there a way to know if an evil thought that came to one's mind is from the evil of one's own self or from the devil? And whenever an evil thought comes to mind, must we attribute it to the devil and seek refuge with Allah, the Exalted, or must we do this and also attribute it to our own evil.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have been blessed with much guidance from Allah, The Exalted, Maa Shaa Allah. I have a question regarding the brain, the main tool for our rationality, with the mercy of Allah, The Exalted. I would like to know how to purify the brain; for example, for purifying the body, we perform Ghusl (ritual bath); for the heart, we ask for.. More
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