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Assalamualaikum. Me and my husband have been volunteering in a islamic organization. In there there is a girl who is 24 and unmarried also volunteering. This gilrl I noticed toomuch advantage on my husband. She doesn't wear her hijab proparly. walking too many times to the front aeria where man sitting.when she print the materials leaning toward to.. More
Asaalam aleykum!I had a company and closed it to start a new one with a muslim brother,i showed him all info on how to start and where to get the merchendise,the deal was for us to start together so while he was waiting for company papers he had started on his own with his blood brother while i waited for him 1 year.After that i found out he had started.. More
AsalamoAlikum ShaykhI was wondering if we are allowed to say "Allah found it for us" or "Allah helped us found it". What would be appropriate way of thanking Allah if I found something valuable of mine that was lost for couple of months
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salaam, i have a question regarding on forgiveness. this 40ish year old man came and started insulting me because i LEGALLY overtaked him on the road. i went to pick up my little brothers from an islamic school, and he had to pick up his son as well, so when i was in the line he came next to me, rolled down his windows and started insulting me and threw.. More
Assalaamu alaikkum dear Sheik,May almighty Allah pour HIS blessings upon you and your family.Dear sheikh my question is regarding Tawakkul .1 ) Why we do Tawakkul ?, its directly proportional to the efforts we are taking.For example , going for an exam , the non muslim ,ofcourse believes in his human faculty and/or demy GOD to study and write exams.. More
As salamu aleikum, We are supposed to be patient and only ask help from Allah. However, if someone is looking for a job, for example, he most probably has to ask some human beings if there is anyone who can help him. Similarly, if someone is wronged, he may ask the help from an influential person to solve his problem. Could you please shed some.. More
Asalamu Alaikum, As Muslims, can we choose to avoid seeking justice in this world, and instead wait for Judgement day to receive our justice? For example, If someone had wronged me and i had the means to take that person to court and get compensated, can i refuse to take them to court, and rather wait for Judgement day to be compensated then instead?.. More
Salaam alaikum Sheikh, I want to know that how many deeds are there which enable us to receive the supplication of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)? I know only 4 namely, 1.Praying 4 rakah before Asr. 2. Being linient in buying, 3. Selling and 4. Asking for money back. So Sheikh as you have told us different types.. More
Aslamualykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu. This may be an unsuall question but its been bothering me for a while. I am a girl who doesnt really like to talk all day, I only talk if I have something to say and people say I am queit. I recently got married, and I am worried about meeting my husbands family because I have to speak to them but I am really.. More
It is mentioned in a Hadeeth (narration) that there are slaves of Allah the Almighty whom He has assigned for fulfilling the needs of others. He made them love goodness and endeared goodness to them and they will be saved from the torment of Allah the Almighty on the Day of Judgment. Who are these slaves?
May Allah reward you.
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I am not very intelligent , wise , witty, brilliant etc.
I cannot make creative ideas and i have lack of logic skills.
I want to become intelligent , wise , witty, brilliant etc.
and also want to improve logic and reasoning skills
So please help me in improve myself... More
Same question needs more answers, plz?
I am confused (Inspired by another question)?
I am confused some people say you cannot help the dead and then others say if you pray for them and do good deeds in their name you can? I wonder which one is right?
I have several patients I have taken care of over the years even outside the hospital , one lady.. More
What are the guidelines that help us remain on the right path in a non-observant society? .. More
Salaam. In the Quran 3:159 “…then when you have taken a decision, tawakkal (put your trust )in Allah. Syed Qutb , says that the Rasul s.a.w. quotes this verse when the sahabah went to see him and ask whether he would want to reconsider the decision to protect Medina at Uhud . The lesson to be drawn is that once a decision has been taken, one should.. More
I stare too much in the mirror because my nose is very big. What should I do to gain self-confidence?.. More
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