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Is the enforcement of traffic regulations considered as judging with other than what Allaah has revealed? Is it permissible to violate these regulations?
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I want to know the meaning of the Hadeeth where the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, forbade boys from going out during the first part of the night because devils are around at this time. Can they go out after sunset? .. More
I would like to know the reason for the apathy of some Muslim youth when it comes to Da‘wah. They care for political issues more than Da‘wah as we usually find that they have memorized the names of ministers, and follow all the current political issues and news bulletins, but they do not memorize any Chapter of the Quran. Could you please tell.. More
Salam Aleikom! I would like to know if a muslim can be punished on the day of judgement for bad thoughts or thoughts of things that are not appropriate for a muslim to think of? and i mean merely thoughts where no actions have been made, or anything bad been taken into practice, only thoughts. Also, is a muslim rewarded for good thoughts and good.. More
I often hear that if a believer praises God and makes shukr, then God will bestow more upon the believers, and increase what they have. What is the best way to make shukr? .. More
I am writing with regards to "keeping your word". At the end of last year I said to one of my cousins that I was going to take up sports with the coming of the next year.(Note: I did not swear I would take up sports, I just said it thinking that it would be OK and easy then). Now I realize that due to the amount of study I have, the cold weather outside.. More
My question is what is the best way of spending the first income of a person? How should he show his gratitude towards Allaah for receiving the job? My second question is that is it allowed for a Muslim to work in banks where the profits come mostly from interest incomes?.. More
A Muslim brother abused me and I want to forgive him and forget it. But whenever his name is mentioned I remember that I feel some pain. Please how can I avoid this because Allaah forbids envy and hatred? .. More
I shall be looking forward to hearing from you when less busy. My question is as follows: There is something really that worries me sometimes about myself. I'm a very emotional person. What I meant by this is that: I easily cry or feel very sick when I see people suffering or get killed or their houses or properties destroyed. Also people.. More
I am a shy person, and whenever I go to mosque the teacher is always making an example of me to the other students by praising me because I keep to myself and am always reading the Quran. But this is mainly because I am a shy person. Am I a hypocrite? What does Islam say about shyness?.. More
How is a good Muslim an excellent citizen?.. More
I was wondering if you could tell me what is the minimum that is expected of a healthy Muslim (in terms of what Ibadah is necessary)?
How should a Muslim behave towards family/friends/relatives/ community?
What are the responsibilities of a Muslim man/woman?
What are the obligatory duties of a Muslim?.. More
How to get peace of mind? I always get frightened that something bad/ misfortune will happen to my family and me. I performed prayers and others regularly but still no peace. This feeling is depriving me to do alot of things and to carry on with my life. Any Du'a to help me... More
I am very concerned about my brother who is upset because he has not been able to find work since 1997. He has tried looking in many cities away from his home without success. Has some one cursed him or put magic on him? Is this condition from Allah? What Du'a can I say or verses I can recite to help him?.. More
What is the Islamic directive regarding driving above the speed limit? I am asking this question because many people who go for Umrah by Car, drive at 160 or 170 km/hr. Is it lawful?.. More
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