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Re: Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullah! My question is that, I successfully completed my diploma, but I didn't passed all the courses given to me some are passed wile some are failed so I paid money and just skiped those that are failed and collect my diploma certificate, (I forged it) but after that I regretted that I was supposed to read hard and gain.. More
if you answer a question by looking at a clue in your hand in a interview if you got the job then the money will be halal or haram? Or should i join this job.
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In our university entrance system, an exam is held and about 2-3 million people take it. I studied hard for this exam and ? became 23 thousandTh. The average of our 4-year high school grades contributes to this exam and my final ranking is degressed around 24thousandth . I cheated in some of these high school exams if there were no cheats, my ranking.. More
Assalamu Alaikum! Sheikh! I'm a girl and My father changed my actual birth year from 2005 to 2007, for future job reasons. I was 11 when he did that. And now I regret what he did. I know it's lying and deceit. And I have used this birth year in all my board exams because it's on my birth certificate. I can change it but it will create some problems.. More
AssalamualikumSo recently I learned about this new way to earn money online.It is about giving reviews about products and getting money for the task on Amazon. Now, I know that giving fake reviews will be haram from another answered question.( ) Now I am planning.. More
In Fatwa No: 115236 you said that if a university requires specific number of of marks then you can't enroll if you have cheated in exam.if I am getting qualifying marks without cheating can I apply or not.and give entrance.
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As-salamu alaykum my question is regarding using xiaomi phone I found that the name xiaomi has been taken from a Buddhist concept the phone doesn't have logos but has some inbuilt apps with the name which I can't remove I think I am suffering from whispers
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How to repent if i lied against myself to my own family while they believed in me instead i broke their trust and promises?Is there any kaffarah for this?And is repenting to Allah(swt) enough or i have to expose my lies?
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Assalamualikum, would it be lying if i said i have read and accepted the terms and services when i haven't
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My father ordered a product online which costs around 7000 Indian Rupees. But somehow he got it for just 100 Indian Rupees. I know he is sinful. My question is if I use that product would I be sinful?.. More
1) One method to earn is that sellers on amazon hire me to approach people and give their products to the people for free but in return they must give 5 stars to the product (fake reviews). This way I get a commission and the seller gets good rating which makes his product look good and attractive to other genuine buyers on amazon. Someone.. More
If I call an ambulance although I know it is not an emergency but I want to ensure I get seen quickly, what are the moral implications of this?
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Salam allykum,
I did Driving theory test For some people who couldn’t understand English nor read it much and kept failing their test. So I did it for them I got paid for it. I know it’s cheating I know it’s not good either and I feel bad. But I’ve been able to help out my mother and father with it I wanna ask Is it Har?m money? If so what.. More
Assalamualaikum. Please advise: a close family member is trying to use deception to gain a residence visa and government housing in the UK. There is some truth in the application mixed with falsehood in order to try to obtain the visa. Do I have to inform the authorities about the deception even indirectly? Bearing in mind this would reveal the person’s.. More
My father is married to a second woman. My mother is angry at this. The second woman came and lived with my father and I. Is it Haram to lie on my mother about this to avoid conflicts?
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