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Scholars, I have an issue with lying. To my brother, I find myself lying to him over little things such as whether or not I have ironed my clothes or combed my hair. I do this as he has tendency to tease and berate me in an aggressive manner. Recently, i lied about finishing my quran reading for a day and I am feeling immense guilt over it and about.. More
Hello sheik, if someone lied on their job application about drug use , would your income be haram?
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aslamualeykum,as the case mentioned in fatwa number 326500 mandatory military service for women in non-muslim country what is the ruling in making fake marriage contract(making marriage contract with the intention of divorcing and not leaving as wife and husband)so as to get rid of mandatory military service or national service which has a lot of ruling.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. My family is involved in benefit fraud. When I decided to move back in, my mum told me not to inform the council as this would reduce her benefits, so my uncle registered me on my grandad's address. I found work within a fortnight,but I was greedy for money, so I justified the lies. I recently quit my job, as it was haram. I am repenting.. More
Yesterday, I went to do the examination of microbiology. Our respected teacher asked questions to all of the students except for me. Am I accountable for this? I was trying to keep away from his sight by hiding behind students, but he passed my exam by giving me 7 out of 10. Is l this considered cheating? Will this make my earning haram?
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Assalaamu alaykum. There are many websites online that provide paid educational courses on programming, graphic designing, etc. There may be some ways to access/download them, and I want to know if these are allowed:
1. If one pays and enrolls in a course which was meant for individual use only, can he share his account details or the files with.. More
Nearly 15 years ago, a person rented a house from a company, and the agreement was to give four weeks notice before leaving, and otherwise they would have to pay one month's rent. When he was going to leave the rented house, he planned to give four weeks notice, but he became busy and could only send notice two weeks before leaving, but on the notice,.. More
Asslaamu alaykum. Shaykh, my questions are the following:
1. In my college, I do not attend the lectures and ask my friend to sign for my attendance. Is there a sin on me because the teacher thinks that I am present while I am not?
2. Can you explain the meaning of 'Rabitat'; it is mentioned in the last verse of Surat Aal-‘Imraan.
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Assalaamu alaykum. Sometimes, there are people who post some chainmail saying something like, “‘Like’ if you love Allah, and ignore if you do not care.” My parents said that it does not matter whether I click ‘like’ or not, because what matters is what I actually feel towards Allah. In such case, is it my obligation to click ‘like’?.. More
Is it permissible for me to continue my studies?
Assalaamu alaykum. In my medical admission test, I gave one MCQ (multiple choice question) question's answer by hearing it from others. I did not ask anyone to tell me the answer. What happened is that others were cheating by discussing the answer, and I heard the answer intentionally. I gave all the.. More
Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Dear scholars, today I am going to ask whether a certain action is valid or not. I am from Ethiopia, a country in which Muslims are a minority. I am a university instructor teaching higher institutional students. The number of Muslim students is very low compared to the other students, especially the.. More
We need to obey the laws of our country if they do not command us to commit a sin. So if I am learning for the driving test and the question is something like "What are you not allowed to do?" and I do not know the answer but ponder and answer what I think is most likely, am I lying or saying that something is halal or haram without knowledge? Is this.. More
An orphan revert with four children is due compensation and money for her kids from her ex-husband, who abused her for 13 years and is a disbeliever, and he is rich but has not been paying anything for the children. However, in order to get what she is due and to get the rights of her children, she has been asked to tell some lies in court. Her ex-husband.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I have read a hadith about a Companion who will enter Paradise. In this hadith, another Companion told him a white lie, saying that he had had a dispute with his father and had to stay outside the home for three nights. Is that type of white lie permissible?
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Assalaamu alaykum. I am a single woman and live with my parents. I got an opportunity to work from home for a call centre. I am from South Asia and have to make calls to Europe. I should lie to the clients and tell them that I am calling from Europe. I am so worried and confused regarding whether I am doing a sin. If I do not do this, then I have to.. More
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