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My company providing me medical reimbursement facility through which we can withdraw specific amount through the submission of requested amount of bills. This money allocated to each employee and if after the end of year any employee not withdraw their amount the medical amount will be lapse. I have withdrawn my medical amount through submission of.. More
My cousin married a second wife aboad without informing the government. So under the government he has only one wife. The second wife who is a ex -widow still getting all the benefits from government as she is legally not married. Are all this accepted in Islam. Further questions is a man allowed to marry for sex only and not for procreation as his.. More
What action should someone take If they lied on their marriage contact (they said that they was a bachelor instead of a divorcee) and now they want to apply for a spouse visa to join their family? Should the person tell the truth on the visa application or should they use the same lie(they fear that they will be charged with fraud if they tell the truth).. More
Asselamu aleikum!I'm pregnant and I'd like to receive money for my baby.But here to receive such money I've to work somewhere.So I asked the boss of a shop to give me a document that I'm working in his shop which is not true.He did it only to get the money from the state.Is this lawful?Or such money are haram to me?Thank you in advance.. More
Here in Saudi ARabia, to apply for family visa there are some criteria. Like His min salary should be 4,000 riyal and he should have original degree certifiate etc etc..
but some people here make fake degree certificate/salary certificate and apply for visa...
their family stay in saudi arabia is haram/halal? as they hv taken family visa by submitting.. More
Salamualaikum wr wb. May Allah reward you, please bear with me while I explain my situation and please give me an individual response as this issue is bothering me. I did high school in Australia. And based on my high school scores I can go to university. But I now consider somethings to be incorrect in my marks and that some cheating may have occured... More
due to lack of time ,sometimes we help our younger sister in her project or decoration work which she has to submit in school for marks. many times the work is done more better that she can do.and she gets marks for it .is this halal ? what if the time too less, can we help in that case?.. More
I am a university student. As part of assessment we were given a group project where everyone in the group had to do a particular experiment. I made a mistake in my experiment and i informed the teacher and she said 'dont tell me about it just put the results down and forget about it' so i did. The other group also made a mistake but did not tell teacher... More
One of the important teachings of Islam is to be truthful. It is no doubt relevant when dealing with people/society. However does it apply equally in the realm of our psychology & subsconscious mind? In Psychology,it is a well known fact that one can change oneself thru positive self-affirmation & visualisation .It is believed that the self-affirmatio.. More
Asalamualeykum. is it allowed to lie during ramadan in order to stop munkar? when i bought a truck recently the owner forgot to take his shikh religion book, its kept in a globe compartment wrapped in a red cloth. i wanted to return it to the person however a local shyke advised me since this is munker i have to throw it to a garbage , and if the owner.. More
Assalamu alaikum wrwb, Can you please enlighten me about a certain situation when a professional one after completing the requirements and passed the exam.given 6 months license to work as she did'nt work for almost 10 years gap but she abided and submitted all the requirements was issued last March and will be expired on September,Since March,she.. More
AlSalaam Alikum Dear Scholars Over 30 years ago I was planning to marry a Christian woman. At the time she gave me a ring and earrings to modify for her. She then left to another state without my knowledge and I still had the items with me. Seventeen years later I married my wife who after our wedding discovered the ring and earrings. I couldn't tell.. More
assalama alluikum what is the ruling if you live with your uncle, but according to the goverment he is my father. i was brougt into the country by my uncle with a visa as his son. jazakhalla khyre... More
I want to know do you have have to do some type of fasting, if you kept a promise that led you to lying because you felt like it was the right thing to do for a good reason i guess?.. More
A friend of mine has completed her education in one of the countries .In their school system they have 11 years of schooling then 1year military then they complete12and 13 year schooling, instead she didnt complete12 and 13 becaucause her parents didnt allow her(u know). In order to complete her studies she entered with a certificate she wasnt educated.. More
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